Woman watches ‘adult film’ on VHS and realises her parents are the stars
This truly is the stuff of nightmares.
Sitting down to watch some cheeky porn and then at the end of all the fun realising it was your parents.
Yup sounds like bulls**t but as this unfortunate tale is set back in the day pre-streaming and really pre-internet. This could be actually true.
This unfortunate teen endured what I can only imagine was what the concept of Bird Box was based on.
“I was watching porn when I recognised the two people in it. They were my parents.”
I think most people know the shameful pain of a ‘walk-in’ on ones special time.
But this really takes it to the next level.
The original article, a candid re-telling of the event walks us through the age old search for porn as a youngster.
That’s right it used to be f**king a quest back in the day. Paperbacks and VHS were rare or legendary items. And getting onto some good stuff felt harder than bloody Frodo strolling to Mount Doom to destroy the ring.
It was the porn ‘dark ages’ where you had to really work to find it. And that came with dangers.
One place to look if you were lucky enough to have an older sibling was their room.
They were always the merchant of the filthiest but best wares. Unfortunately in this ladies case she went with the dangerous option of plundering the parents bedroom. A high risk venture.
But hey during those ‘dark ages’ people got desperate, and often the desperate pay the price. So she looted her folks room in search of porn, passing a dildo and some other filthy s**t on the way, but eventually reached what she thought was a jackpot.
A VHS with some steamy, if not amateurish action.
During these times beggars could not be choosers and she went with it. Mistake. Big f**king mistake. Red flags popped up early in the viewing.
She recited the below thoughts in her online blog:
There was a little grunting, and it went on for about 10 minutes. I was trying to get into it, but I got a bit bored so I fast forwarded a little and sat back down to watch what I hoped would be a glorious finale.
It wasn’t glorious. It actually made me wonder whether sex was fun at all.
Some porn, I thought.
Then the man got up and walked towards camera, doodle swinging around. He was smiling.
Then the next thoughts happened rapidly over about four seconds.
He looked familiar.
Really familiar.
He looks like my dad! Ha! How weird is that!
Oh my god that is our couch.
Oh my god it is my dad.
Oh my god…that’s…
My mum.
I have never run so fast to the VHS player to hit stop. But it took forever, my legs were jelly, the VHS player was so far away. I was screaming NOOOOOOOOOOOO but it came out all low pitched and slow.
Retrospect is a funny thing and I’m sure she is lamenting not walking away sooner.
Trust your gut, like I did when I decided to walk away after the first season of Lost. Big bloody win. But I concede that porn is a different ball game, and for those who lived through the tough times, we know the hunger for new material. But one thing I’m glad I don’t know is her feeling when she really clocked her parents. Knowing what just went down must have been a big smack to the face. And one I’m glad I did not have to endure, but reading this did give us all a bit of a giggle.
Final Thought: Reading this did really bring back the struggle of the old times of searching for porn. The high highs and the very low lows. This lady paid the price so we didn’t have to. So I think it is time to take a breath and say ‘thank f*#k for PornHub’.
H/T: Mamamia