Paraglider gets into biff with kangaroo during landing, because ‘STRAYA
It only takes a rudimentary knowledge of wildlife, geography and near-death experiences to know that Australia is famed for possessing wildlife that’ll f**k you up. To be honest, we’re not really sure how we came to possess that reputation when other countries have lions, tigers, bears and f**ken hippopotami, but we do have some deadly critters. Now, juxtapose that s**t with extreme sports, because if there’s one way to make your thrill-seeking even more exciting, you should do it in some place that has some feisty fauna. With that in mind, check out this kangaroo picking a fight a paraglider.
Paragliding must be a bloody exhilarating pastime. You’ve got the views, the wind in your face, the rush that comes with the inherent risk and all the other little endorphin-pumpers that make it what it is. In fact, the only thing that could make it any better would be landing to a welcome-parade of kangaroos. Imagine how Ace Ventura would land and you’ll know what we’re talking about.

Credit: ViralHog
Well, Jonathon Bishop came within a box-hair of living that dream. As he came in for landing on what looked like a bloody serene experience, a bunch of kangaroos made their way across to him. Like the bloody legend he obviously is, Bishop was like, “What’s up, Skip?”

Credit: ViralHog
Skip, though, he was like, “I’ll f**ken show you what’s up, ya fancy-pants paragliding f**k. It’s a karate chop! That’s right, ya f**ken drongo. Suck on this f**ken Jackie Chan move.” Deadset, the kangaroo fancied a fracas! It was like, “I’m bringing back the biff, ya f**ken dropkick.”
Bishop was bloody mortified. Shitting broken glass, he tried to avoid the toey little bugger’s aggressions. Fair dinkum, have a go at his verbal response, “Hey f**k off, ahh f**k off! Go away!” he yells. From there, Skip just f**ks off. He’s like, yeah, nah, this bloke’s not worth the hassle. Either that or he realised that Jonathon could have done the most Australian thing possible and barbecued his national f**ken emblem. That would have taught the little s**t.
Seriously, though, good on Bishop for not punching the little prick.

Credit: ViralHog
Final thought: You’ve gotta bloody love it. The cranky marsupial comes at him like a bloody spear. It is keen to f**ken fight. Thankfully, Bishop wasn’t put in too much danger, because it didn’t stick around for the fisticuffs. This one was more of a hit-n-run than a fight, but it’s still bloody gold.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: PETA v Steve Irwin
Video Link: ViralHog