Inspirational Maccas worker with down syndrome retires after 32 years on the job

Inspirational Maccas worker with down syndrome retires after 32 years on the job

We live in a day and age where the average person doesn’t usually stay at the same job for too long. The general consensus seems to be that most blokes and blokettes will have 5 – 7 careers in their lifetime. When you consider that a ‘career’ doesn’t even include the sh*tty little side-jobs you have at school or uni, or the stepping stone jobs you might accept in a time of crisis, staying employed in one place for three f**ken decades is a feat to be applauded – particularly when you’re a shining example of what people with disabilities can achieve in the community.

This is all brings us to retiring Maccas worker, Russel O’Grady. At 50 years of age, Russel, who has Down Syndrome, is hanging up his apron and retiring to a life of tenpin bowling and hanging out in the local Men’s Shed. Talk about living the f**ken dream!

Credit: Supplied

Credit: Supplied

Russel has become pretty bloody well-known in his hometown of Northmead in Sydney after 32 years working at Maccas, and the inspirational bloke will be missed. McDonald’s Supervisor Courtney Purcell said “We’ve got regular customers who come in to see Russell on Thursday and Friday, and the staff look after him, so we’re going to miss him.”

According to his brother, Russ is pretty f**ken cruisy about what he does for a living though. “He’s kind of blasé about it but loves his work very much. He’s pretty cheeky sometimes. He’s my big brother and he keeps me in line.”

Credit: Supplied

Credit: Supplied

As for the impact his long career has had on him – and the way he sees his own disability – Russel’s old man, Geoff O’Grady said, “Somebody said to him ‘are you handicapped?’ and his answer was “I used to be when I went to school, but now I work at McDonald’s.”

To put into perspective how important Russ’s work is in a social context, it’s thought that not too many disabled folks entered the workforce back in 1986, and Russ earned the job on merit and not because of political correctness.

After working his nuts off while on work experience, he was offered a position and has worked across the restaurant, doing everything from unloading boxes to working in the kitchen.

Credit: Supplied

Credit: Supplied

Final thought: F**ken good sh*t, Russ. You’ve no doubt made Maccas feel like a home for thousands of c**ts over the years. It’s a job well done and we hope you enjoy your time working the Men’s Shed and sending a few balls down the lanes at the local tenpin. This top bloke award is all yours!

Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Mega Compilation #8

H/T: Daily Mail.