Man Decides To Vape A Tide Pod And It Does Not Go Well
The internet has brought humanity some bloody awesome things. You can instantly message friends and family across the world, you can buy pretty much anything in existence from somewhere online, and businesses have boomed…but there’s also the other side of the internet; the side that does things like the dude in this video…
OK, so if vaping didn’t already make you enough of a douchebag, and filming yourself ‘performing’ smoke tricks like Absolem the caterpillar didn’t already verify your status as a tool, you might want to consider the next step in the how to be a total f***stick handbook: vaping a tide pod.

You just know he has Daddy issues. Credit: Vape Tricks/Instagram
Yes, you did read that correctly. No, eating tide pods isn’t where the ill-advised zeitgeist stops. The dude in today’s video literally vapes a tide pod. Not sure what’s next, but with Rule 34 in mind, it can’t be good. It really, really can’t be good.
OK, so there’s a whole Instagram account called Vape Tricks and it’s really, really cool. I can just imagine the parents of those involved watching it and gushing with joy and warm fuzzies. As for the chicks who watch it; you just know they’re sending knickers to the blokes involved.

Only the coolest people are allowed to flip you off with the thumb to the side. Credit: Vape Tricks/Instagram
Vape Tricks does what it says on the tin. It showcases videos of these legends performing vape tricks. One bloke, who looks like that member of a third-rate Nu-Metal band who provides the odd whicky-whicky scratch and ‘raps’ on the third verse, busts out the tide pod. He pierces it, he puts it into his vaporizer, he shows the world why you should pay attention at school and he coughs his anus out of his eyeballs.
Yep, despite all the warnings about the dangerous chemicals in tide pods, this guy bloody well vaporizes one and inhales the fumes. Unfortunately, the video doesn’t really show the aftermath. It’s edited right after a pretty painful looking cough and switches to a series of ‘cool’ vape tricks with a soundtrack of bad music.

Wanna see my ‘O’ face? Credit: Vape Tricks/Instagram
Here’s betting that video is edited because old mate puked his dick up. Try impressing people with chunks of vomit on your patchy beard, ya f***-knuckle. Seriously, kids, don’t eat, smoke or masturbate with detergent, it might make you cool, but it might also make you have retarded babies. Don’t risk it.
H/T: Viral Thread.