Dubai police have started using giant drone looking hoverbikes
Remember the television show, Cops? We know, we know, you’re probably wondering how the f**k you could forget. It was always a tops bloody source of cop on crackhead action. Anyway, imagine how different it would have been if the cops didn’t have their cushy cars to drive around in because they were riding hoverbikes to the scene of the latest meth-lab explosion. The camera would just be a drone following them around and the cops would be all like, this sh*t is the f**ken best! Well, you better check yourself – that sh*t’s now a reality in Dubai.
And yeah, we’re talking about the hoverbikes, not the new-style version of cops, but you knew that, didn’t ya, you big bloody legends. Nevertheless, how f**ken cool is this sh*t? Some countries have cops that ride around on horses, some have cops that ride around on motorcycles, some have cops that have to use Shanks’s f**ken pony, but in Dubai – the cops are spoiled rotten.

Credit: Hoversurf/Dubai Police
At the moment, these things are still prototypes, but considering they only promised to make it happen last year – and some cops are already hovering while they bike – this is pretty f**ken awesome stuff. With vertical take-off and landing, these things can reach speeds of almost a hundred clicks an hour.

Credit: Hoversurf/Dubai Police
At the moment, the biggest problem is that the battery life isn’t spectacular. Staying in the air for only 25 minutes manned or 40 minutes when used as drones, these hoverbikes will need a bit of fine-tuning if they’re to become a real efficient part of the force’s daily life, but if this is a sign of the future, we’re f**ken in.

Credit: Hoversurf/Dubai Police
Final thought: Look, they obviously need to rectify the power problem, but to think that we’re soon to be living in a science-fiction future with hoverbikes is pretty f**ken grouse. Good shit, Dubai. Good shit.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Dance Floor Rituals