Eagle snatches fox holding rabbit in mouth in dramatic images
There’s a pretty well known song that asks its listeners just what exactly a fox says. Well, if this video is any indication, we can be pretty sure the fox says, “f**k that filthy thieving eagle mother**ker!” Check out the video down below to see exactly why…
As the story goes, Kevin Ebi from livingwilderness.com was out in the field getting some happy snaps of a litter of fox kits playing around and enjoying the splendour of their youth when one of the little buggers snagged itself a rabbit for dinner.

You’re f**ked, Bugs. Credit: Kevin Ebi
For the young kit, this was probably a pretty big score. If it didn’t have a rabbit in its mouth, it probably would have turned around to its brothers and sisters and said, “Check this sh** out ya wankers. I’m the best bloody fox the world has ever seen!”

Oi! Credit: Kevin Ebi
Of course, in its gloating, the fox wouldn’t have heard what Kevin did. As the fox snatched the rabbit in its jaws, he heard the cry of an eagle from behind him. Realising what that meant, he crossed his fingers and hoped for some bloody good shots. He wasn’t disappointed.

You must be batty if you think you’re a flying fox! Credit: Kevin Ebi
The eagle got more than it bargained for from the plucky little fox. No doubt expecting that stealing a bunny rabbit from a baby fox would be like stealing candy from a baby, the eagle would have been surprised when the fox didn’t let go of its din-dins just because the eagle had tried to pilfer it.

Just let go, fox. You lose. Credit: Kevin Ebi
The eagle swooped in like – well, like an eagle – but it didn’t come away with only the rabbit. The bloody fox held on. He was all like, “yeah-nah, that’s my dinner ya slimy f**k! I caught it fair and square. If you want rabbit stew, catch your own rabbit.”

I’ll tell Mum! Credit: Kevin Ebi
The eagle, seemingly unperturbed, kept flying. At one point, Kevin reckons the fox must have been twenty feet in the air, desperately trying to wrestle its grub back from the feathered fiend.

That’s bulls**! That’s my food ya feathered f**k! Credit: Kevin Ebi
Unfortunately, the fox had to miss out this time, but at least he can tell his brothers and sisters that none of them would have the balls to fight an eagle and he was still the king of the kits. At least until Mum gives him a hiding for being so bloody stupid.

You better not be putting this on the internet. Credit: Kevin Ebi
Final thought: Life as a wildlife photographer would require a sh**-tonne of patience, but moments like this would make it all worth it. Shots like that are once in a lifetime opportunities.
Have a look at the video Zachary Hartje also captured of the battle:
H/T: Bored Panda.