These Are Some Of The Most F*cked Up Pictures You’ll See On The Internet
We all know the internet is a dodgy, dodgy place. It’s full of bad advice, fake news, swearing, smut and scams. But even with all of that to scare you off, there’s nothing quite as bad as a disturbing photo of a gross body part…
Before we begin, we’re not talking about THOSE kinds of body parts, so raise your level. Unless you’re a drunkard, a fallen celebrity or a child-murdering clown, you shouldn’t be loitering in the gutter.
Let’s start right at the bottom.
The dog’s bottom. Have a look at this messed up sh**. First of all, what kind of psycho takes a photo of their dog from this angle? The poor thing just wants to lie around, stink up the place and eat as much as it can get its foul doggy gums on.
Speaking of foul doggy gums; what in the blue f**k is this? It has to be photoshopped? It has to be fake. It has to be someone’s idea of a bad joke. Any way you look at it, I’m not a fan.
If you think those eyelashes are bad, wait till you see these ones.
Or, worse, the chick who overdid it with the glitter and got it right on her eyeball!
Ah man. Stinging nettles, really? That’s sick. You’re a sick son of a bitch and you should really not be doing that.
How about these? Can you imagine eating these? They look like tasty macarons and you can probably ignore the icing. At least until you think about the skin-like texture while you’re munching on those little member-berry faces with their puckered anus-mouths.
Finally though, let’s talk about feet. Some of you weird b*****ds no doubt have a thing for feet. Not me. Feet are gross and ugly and smelly and weird. Just look at this.
Or this. Seriously, how does this even happen. Hair shouldn’t grow there in the first place, let alone get stuck there where it can become ingrown. Also, why hasn’t this poor individual done anything about it? Surely you can pluck that now!
Finally, I’m pretty sure this bloke – and trust me, it’s definitely a bloke with clodhoppers like that – has taken a potato peeler to his foot. That it itself is all kinds of messed up. I mean, why would you do it to start with and what did you do with the peeler when you were finished? Please tell me you didn’t put it back in the draw!
If you really dig this kind of thing you’ll find more over at buzzfeed. Check it out.
H/T: Buzzfeed.