Dave Chappelle calls musician’s performance “gay” on live Instagram show, gets awkward

Credit: Current Mood

Dave Chappelle calls musician’s performance “gay” on live Instagram show, gets awkward

Love or hate Dave Chappelle, you can’t deny that the man says whatever the f**k he wants whenever the f**k he wants. In fairness, that’s not really seen as such a good thing as it might have been a few years back when the Chappelle Show was huge and Dave was making appearances in tonnes of movies. Nah, yeah, for better or worse, things are way more PC these days, and people shouldn’t really be cool with using the word ‘gay’ as a slur – let alone in a supposedly chilled setting…

Anyway, we’ll give you a bit of context to set the tone. John Mayer’s show, Current Mood, a talk show that airs on Instagram, is usually a pretty relaxed deal. You’ve got Mayer having a bit of a chat to his guests and his viewers – and some musical numbers to boot.

Credit: Current Mood

One of his most recent shows featured comedy legend Dave Chappelle and muso Daniel Ceasar. Now, Chappelle and John are known to have a bit of a bromance and Chappelle was in pretty f**ken comfortable mode when he rocked up full of beers and bongs. You know, like you expect Dave Chappelle to.

Anyway, Mayer’s about to introduce the next guest when Chappelle initiates an awesomely awkward moment for the whole world to see. “You just met Daniel Ceasar for the first time,” John says. “You heard him sing a little bit…”

Credit: Current Mood

Dave just f**ken speaks his mind. “Yeah, very gay.”

There’s a super awkward pause and Mayer’s like, “What?”

Chappelle though, he goes, “I’m sorry. Did I say that out loud?”

This goes on for a bit before Chappelle, clearly taking the piss and clearly carrying on in a way he shouldn’t considering the hysteria brigade will f**ken go to town on him, says, “I got jealous. I didn’t know John had other black friends.”

The awkwardness is f**ken palpable. So, of course, Ceasar wants a f**ken explanation. We won’t tell you the whole thing. You can bloody watch it, but the way it unfolds is akin to an awkward conversation at work. It’s certainly not the kind of thing you’re used to seeing on talk shows.

Credit: Current Mood

Final thought: Look, we’re not here to put the boot in Chappelle, but this is pretty f**ken risky ground in 2019. It doesn’t take much to get the tide of public opinion to swing when it comes to this stuff, and it’ll be interesting to see what comes out of it. As for drinking and live streaming? Probably best not to. Yeah, nah, really, don’t f**ken do it. It’s not worth it.

Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: WTF Happened in February 2019


Video Link: All Things Mayer