Couple finds buried safe in their backyard

Couple finds buried safe in their backyard

F**k! I don’t know about you, but I really haven’t found much exciting in my back yard. One day a chilli fell over the fence from the neighbour’s hanging garden and I thought that was a pretty tops score, but that’s about it for me. I certainly don’t know how I’d contain myself if I was like the couple in this story and found an abandoned safe hidden behind some bushes in my garden!

I’m pretty sure most of us know what it’s like to move into a new place and find little bits of the old owner’s life left behind.

It’s just that the items they leave behind usually take the shape of a few light bulbs, a bit of laundry powder or some rusty old garden tools.

So when Matthew and Maria Colonna-Emmanuel moved into their new place and noticed an old rusty bit of metal behind some trees, they assumed it was just a bit of scrap.

It had been there for years. Credit: Matthew Emmanuel.

It had been there for years. Credit: Matthew Emmanuel.

In fact, they figured it was so worthless, it wasn’t even worth spending the time to throw it in the bin. Instead, they just let it sit there.

Eventually, time passed – as it is wont to do – and some deer got into the yard. The cheeky buggers ate all the foliage on the trees that had obscured the box all this time and the Colonna-Emmanuels were able to have a better look.

I’m not sure exactly how the discovery played out, but I reckon Matthew saw the bloody safe and said, “F**k, Maria, that’s a bloody safe!”

A bloody safe. Credit: Matthew Emmanuel.

A bloody safe. Credit: Matthew Emmanuel.

Ignoring every horror movie or episode of Paranormal Survivor they’d ever seen, they dug it up and got it open. There was fifty-f**king-two-thousand dollars’ worth of cash and valuables inside.

Now, here’s the bit that lets you know the Colonna-Emmanuels are bloody tops people. They called the police and discovered the neighbour’s house had been burgled eight years prior. The only thing stolen was a safe.

These bloody legends returned it. When asked why they didn’t keep it, Maria said, ‘It wasn’t even a question. It wasn’t ours.”

Matthew is also a tops bloke. “The reward is karma,” he said. “Good karma.”

How does that Steve Miller Band song go? Credit: Matthew Emmanuel.

How does that Steve Miller Band song go? Credit: Matthew Emmanuel.

Final thought: Bloody hell, talk about awesome people. If karma’s real, they need to start playing the lottery. That is a commendable thing to do! Good on ya, Matthew and Maria. You’re bloody champions!