Credit: Craziest Sports Fights
Driver Traps Fuming Motorcyclist Inside Double-Decker Bus After Road Rage Incident
Those of you who’ve ridden motorcycles know there’s nothing worse than a bloody idiot who pulls out in front of you even though they’ve clearly seen you – particularly if they’ve done it in the wet.
You probably also know that it’s an unfortunate part of riding a motorcycle and you don’t need to be a dick about it.
Obviously, the guy in today’s video never got the memo.
Instead, when he’s haplessly riding around in the wet at night and a bus driver pulls out on him he enters rage mode. He could flip the guy off, question the bus-driver’s mother’s fidelity and move on with his life, but you know how it is. This is the internet. There is literally zero chance of that happening.

Not the first bus-driver to pull out rashly. Won’t be the last. Credit: Viral Hog
So, the motorcyclist, full of rage, vinegar and self-entitlement, waits for the bus driver to stop. He’s gonna give the filthy bastard a piece of his mind. He’s captured the whole thing on camera and he wants to tell Mr Bus-driver all about it. I’m guessing he hasn’t been riding long.
Anyway, he makes a schoolboy error. And it’s actually hilarious. He steps onto the bus, leaving his bike behind…
Now, let’s just point out here that regardless of the situation, the bus-driver is at work and he’s got a schedule – and a job – to keep. He does exactly what I think any bus driver would do in this circumstance; he closes the door and keeps driving.

Mr Motorcycle decides to articulate his thoughts on the subject. Marks for passion, yes. Coherency? Not so much… Credit: Viral Hog
The motorcyclist spits f***ing chips. He drops a bollock. He goes ape-sh**, spazzes out and blows his f***ing top! He’s swearing, entreating, begging and abusing all at once. He asks questions and proceeds to talk over any attempted answers.
Mr Motorcycle even assaults the sh** out of the protective perspex between him and the driver. He pounds that thing like a rubber vagina. He really goes to town on it – and it achieves nothing. You’d feel sorry for him if he wasn’t such a wanker.

For you, Sir, free ride. On the house. Credit: Viral Hog
Anyway, Mr Motorcycle ends up frigging miles from his bike and he’s gonna have to walk back to it in the wet. Talk about karma.
You can watch the video to see how it ends, but let’s just say Mr Motorcycle might think he’s in the right, but he’s clearly made a mountain out of a molehill and filmed himself acting like a massive drongo.

This guy is clearly loving it. Credit: Viral Hog
The fact that he’s uploaded the video to the internet probably means he still thinks he’s in the right. What a tit. That’s why he’s the latest nominee in Ozzyman’s coveted F***-knuckle awards.
Good sh**.
Video’s here. It’s got some bad language in it…