These baristas serve coffee in nothing but skimpy bikinis
If you like a double-shot with your coffee, then you might want to check out Bikini Beans Espresso in the US. Bikini Beans Espresso is the place to go. It’s got small cups, medium cups, large cups and d-cups. Nah, yeah, you heard that right, it’s got d-cups. That’s because it’s the one coffee shop in town with the dress-code the owner says empowers women.
Bikini Beans Espresso has for at least a couple of reasons, been hugely popular with customers. Blokes are lining up out the door, and, as you’d expect, the store has come under fire from various members of the community.

Credit: TNI
To begin with, City Councillor Mike Fagan has hit out at the store. “It should be all about the coffee and not about the body. Having frequented at least one time in each of these shops, just to see what the consumer is subjected to, we’re talking about three stickers strategically placed – and I’ll leave it up to everybody else’s imagination as to where those stickers are placed. I don’t want to pound on the ‘it’s for the children’ argument, but that is what it’s all about.”

Credit: TNI
You’ve got to love that he’s frequented EACH of their stores just one time to ‘see just what the consumer is subjected to.’ We see you working, Mike. We see you working. We bet you hated being ‘subjected’ to all those bikini-clad baristas. We do hope you’re not still in therapy.
Staff members – and the shop’s owner – say the uniform is actually empowering for women. The store’s owner, Carlie Jo, reckons the dress code helps her staff feel good about themselves. She says, “As the first bikini barista shop in Arizona, we want to empower women to be, and feel good about, themselves. Women everywhere have the right to vote, to be gay, to be successful community leaders and business owners, or even run for president! We have the right to work with grace, confidence and dignity, regardless if it’s in a business suit, scrubs, or a bikini.”

Credit: TNI
This one seems like one of those discussions that could be solved by a little common sense and a little decorum. If you don’t want boobs with your coffee, go to Starbucks. If you do, go to Bikini Beans. What do you reckon? Empowering or objectifying? Sound off in the comments.
Just in case you need to do a little bit more research before purchasing a bikini espresso, here is some additional viewing material for you:
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H/T: The Sun.