AI can now tell you which celebs are doctoring their Instagram pics
When you’re asked which celebrities are using programs like Facetune or Photoshop to edit their selfies and post them online, the obvious answer is ‘all of them’. We’re not here to dispute that or get into a deep and meaningful about it today, but with a few videos popping up online that demonstrate how apps can actually figure out which images have actually been f**ked with, we thought we’d share. After all, if you’ve got tin lids, this is pretty powerful knowledge when you wanna make sure they’re able to keep a perspective on body image.
So, yeah, as you know, celebs are a stereotypically vain bunch. To be the devil’s advocate on that, we’re just gonna give the benefit of the doubt and say that for plenty of them, they’re actually trading on that ‘look’ and if they don’t maintain it they might stand to lose a bit of income.
We know it’s a stretch, but either way, it doesn’t take away from the fact that in a world with a million face apps, countless ways to doctor images and a whole bunch of society – even the aspects of it that are supposedly face to face – relying on the internet, the younger generations are feeling more pressure than ever before to live up to unrealistic standards.
And that brings us to someone like Kim Kardashian. Like it or not, the sheila’s a bloody role-model for f**ken millions of kids. We agree that it’s a bit s**t, but it’s also the way it is, so it’s good to see her photos coming up in here and then having an app literally tell you which parts of her face have been represented in a light that doesn’t necessarily hold up to integrity.
Anyway, we can keep talking about it or you can just watch the video. The app in question, Instagram Reality, uses AI to kind of reverse engineer the Photoshop script – or something like that. Apparently, it can actually change photos back to their original standard – but don’t quote us on this – and if that’s true, it should be an option on every photo ever! If you’re deeply interested in the tech side of things, check it out here.
For what it’s worth, the creators of the app – and the AI – acknowledge it’s not perfect, but say, “We believe our work is a significant step forward in detecting and undoing facial warping by image editing tools. However, there are still many hard cases, and this is by no means a solved problem.”
Final thought: This kind of thing always makes for interesting discussion – and that’s without even touching the AI side of things – especially because you’ve gotta wonder if someone’s vanity is worth the potentially negative repercussions in society. Hopefully, technology like this can help bring people back to real understandings about body image. Don’t ya reckon?
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Animals Relaxing
Video Link: Sheng-Yu Wang