Final boss of the bottle-cap challenge has been found

Credit: Twitter

Final boss of the bottle-cap challenge has been found

If you’re a fan of Ozzy Man Reviews, you know all about the bloody bottle-cap challenge. If you’re one of our legendary top fans, you definitely know and you probably reckon that no one can beat Ozzy’s own Vegemite cap challenge. Well, we’re not deluded here. We’re happy to admit when we’re beaten and the sheila in this video has bloody well topped everyone else’s attempt. She’s only gone and done it with a bloody projectile thong!

That’s right, ladies and gentlemen, a projectile thong to nail the bottle-cap challenge.

It’s a bloody joy to behold.

Matter of fact, it’s such a remarkable feat, we’re not even deducting points for her complete lack of the mandatory cool stance at the end.

Credit: YouTube

That’s because we’d be a bit bloody shocked if we did it, and maintaining your cool in these circumstances is overrated anyway.

Credit: John Mayer/Instagram

So, er, yeah, we’ve seen Conor McGregor start things off with a cool bow, we’ve seen a ninja sensei spin the top off and then follow through with some secondary tricky s**t that his missus wouldn’t have been too keen on. Seriously, what was that bloke thinking?

Credit: YouTube

Any proper Shazza would watch her man do that and be like, “Oi, ya bloody dag!” And you know what she’d do right after that, don’t you? That’s right, she’d whip her bloody thong off and peg it at him with deadly intent.

Credit: YouTube

And with that in mind, he’d be counting himself bloody lucky that his sheila is not the final boss of the bottle-cap challenge. With eagle-eyed aim like that, she could spin his head right off his shoulders, his ballbag right off his bollocks and the head of his dick right off the shaft!

Credit: Twitter

Credit: Twitter

Deadset, don’t mess with a sheila who can throw a bloody thong with that kind of skill.

Final thought: Look, we’ll be honest, we thought this challenge was all about the cool ninja dudes showing off their skills, but we’ve got a new favourite. No one’s gonna top this. It’s the bomb. It’s the best. It’s the bloody final boss! Good stuff.

Just in case you missed it, here’s Ozzy’s own attempt…Ozzy Man Reviews: Bottle-Cap Challenge

Video Link: Canal Humour