Incredible moment as mother dolphin jumps to thank fishermen for rescuing her baby
Friggen dolphins are pretty bloody special creatures. Deadset, we love the buggers. We reckon they’re probably the worst bloody thing to put in a tin of tuna and we know that anyone who’s seen the cheeky water-bogans mucking around near their boat will think the same. So when we heard that some legendary Italian fishermen had rescued a baby dolphin and its mother had thrown some fully-sick moves to thank them, we knew we had to share it.
And, seriously, we reckon a big old F**K YES is well worth the gold coin in the swear jar. The leap this mama dolphin performs is a friggen cracker. But, we’re getting ahead of ourselves. We haven’t told you much about the course of events yet, and we can’t be jumping too far ahead. This isn’t Pulp Fiction now, is it?

Credit: Facebook/Mario Polizzi
So, we’re heading to the waters off the coast of Procida, an island in Naples. That’s in Italy if you don’t know your Geography. Anyway, the fishermen, Mario Polizzi and his mates, have realised the little baby dolphin is captured in the net and they’re keen as caffeine-injected kookaburras to rescue the bugger.

Credit: Facebook/Mario Polizzi
They set about doing their heroic work and set the calf free. In response, it jumps around like popcorn in a pan and it’s like, “Thanks, ya legends!” and “You blokes rock!”

Credit: Facebook/Mario Polizzi
Naturally, they get pretty Italian about it. You can’t see them, but you know that hand gestures are going off like frogs in socks and everyone’s having a whale of a time. And then Mum decides to give her thanks.

Credit: Facebook/Mario Polizzi
And, yeah, she’s got bloody rocket-blasters in her fins. She jumps so bloody high, NBA scouts are heading out there right now to try and give her a contract. She bloody flips and she bloody twirls and she bloody dives. She’s overjoyed and it’s a bonza display of thanks.

Credit: Facebook/Mario Polizzi
Watch it below.
Final thought: As we said, dolphins are bloody rad. We know tonnes of you have got dolphin stories from your own fishing adventures, so let loose in the comments section and share ‘em. After all, they’re usually worth it.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: When Animals Fight back #6
Video Link: Mario Polizzi