World’s strongest boy ‘Little Hercules’ is unrecognisable now

Credit: Inside Edition

World’s strongest boy ‘Little Hercules’ is unrecognisable now

Those of you who’ve been kicking for a while will probably remember the super-buff kid the media dubbed Little Hercules. At just eleven years-old, he had a proper f**ken rig. Deadset, he was fitter than most of us would have been in our lifetime. Naturally, that led to plenty of claims he was on the roids and that his parents were abusing him. Now, though, at about thirty years old, the kid in those videos is long gone…

Yeah, nah, his real name is Richard Sandrak, and while he certainly doesn’t regret or want to hide his past, the grown-up who lived it, claims it’s just that: the past.

Credit: Inside Edition

“If anything it just got boring,” he reckons. “I’m very proud of my past. It’s not something I don’t want people to know, it’s just that I’m not going to be stuck living in it.”

And we reckon that’s fair enough. After all, even at thirty, there’s a lot of life to live for the bloke, and he certainly doesn’t want to have peaked as a buff kid.

Credit: Inside Edition

Still, it’s not like you can really accuse him of that. Sandrak works as a stuntman at Universal Studios Hollywood’s Waterworld show, and that’s pretty f**ken close to living the dream that most blokes would have had as a young fella.

As you can imagine, that still requires a pretty decent level of fitness. While the weight-lifting elements of the regime are gone, Sandrak still does a lot of cardio-work, chin-ups, skateboarding, and stair-climbing.

Credit: Inside Edition

Of course, the fact he was also pushed to become a karate master as a young fella wouldn’t hurt either. Yeah, nah, safe to say the buff kid is gone, but the dream still lives on, we reckon.

Credit: Inside Edition

Final thought: Yeah, life’s funny. For some of us, we think about wagging school, sneaking another beer and playing video games. For others, we dream of becoming young specimens of peak humanity who end up as stuntmen. Which one are you? Let us know in the comments section.

Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: People Vs Ice #3

Video Link: Inside Edition