Credit: Heechulism
South Korean YouTuber randomly decides to visit real gang members in Stockton, California
It’s no secret that the world’s full of stereotypes. Of course, you don’t need us to tell you that. Just consider for a second what comes to mind if you think about visiting a real gang in the Californian city of Stockton unannounced. If you’re anything like us, you’re probably thinking that’s not a real smart idea and that it could go wrong really f**ken quickly. That’s why we’ve gotta share this video. The bloke behind it, Heechulism, did exactly that. Check it out…
All right, so for a bit of context on this one, Heechulism, the YouTuber in the video is planning on sharing a five-to-six video series, and we reckon it’s gonna be well worth keeping an eye on. Armed with only some unanswered messages to one of the gang members, he’s rocked up unannounced to the home of Cambodian Gangsters in Stockton and just started hanging out.

Credit: Heechulism
While this video’s relatively tame when you consider what could have been going on, it’s also a pretty interesting look at life there for the gang members. And when we say ‘tame’ we mean it’s free from violence. It’s still chockers with drugs, guns, and insanity.

Credit: Heechulism
When Heechulism rocks up to his AirBNB, his host is like, “Yeah, dude, don’t go to that part of town.” Naturally, he doesn’t listen, and he goes there anyway, stating, “It’s 7pm, but it’s kinda lonesome, right. There are no pedestrians anywhere. I feel like this city is kinda scary for me.”

Credit: Heechulism
Still, despite that, we can only assume the guys he’s hanging out with are pretty accepting of the messages he’s sent – and the fact he’s got a camera. As Heechulism mentions at the end of the video, his messages went unanswered, but they’re more than happy to hang.

Credit: Heechulism
We won’t spoil that for you, but it’s an eye-opening video and we’ll be watching more of them as they come.
Final thought: Yeah, nah, this is kinda bonkers. Still, bloody Heechulism must have balls like f**ken grapefruit. This could’ve gone all kinds of wrong, but thankfully, it’s all bloody shmick. Check it out and let us know what you reckon in the comments section.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: The Rock & Emily Blunt GUESS THE JUNGLE CREATURE
Video Link: Heechulism