This toy photographer uses explosions to take awesome shots of action figurines
It’s no secret that explosions can make anything better. As a starting point, we can always reference Michael Bay, but that’s a little bit clichéd and tired by this point, so let’s talk about some of the other things that explosions improve, like, ah f**k it anything directed by Michael Bay. Take a generic franchise story, add some f**ken explosions and hey presto, people will sit and stare at that sh*t for hours. And that’s pretty much the vibe Jared Middleton aka SirDork730 is going for with these action figure stills. Check them out.

Credit: SirDork730
Rightio ya big bloody beautiful b*stards. Meet Jared Middleton. Jared, meet the big bloody beautiful b*stards. Right, now we’re all acquainted, let’s talk about what Jared does. He’s a toy photographer. That means, well, what do you think it means? He takes photos of toys.

Credit: SirDork730

Credit: SirDork730
The thing is, Jared doesn’t just take boring old regular photos of toys standing there looking stationary. No f**ken way. He adds drama. He adds dynamics. He adds f**ken fire and explosions and other cool sh*t like that.

Credit: SirDork730
The end result, as you can see from his cool as f**k photos, is that his toys look bloody badass on camera. Have a squiz. There’s the Wasteland Wanderer from Fallout walking away from an explosion. There’s a bunch of storm troopers standing amidst the rubble and debris of an explosion. There’s bloody Goku looking tough in the middle of, you guessed it, another f**ken explosion!

Credit: SirDork730
If Jared was a Toy Story character, you can bet Woody and Buzz would try to fight him. They’d say, “Oi, there’s that c**t who keeps exploding our friends. What a dick. Let’s get him!”

Credit: SirDork730
Jared wouldn’t mind though, he’d just say, “Have a f**ken explosion you little Pixar wankers,” and he’d stick a firecracker right up their arses.

Credit: SirDork730
If you dig this sort of sh*t, then check out Jared’s Instagram. There’s a f**ktonne of cool stuff on there.

Credit: SirDork730

Credit: SirDork730
Final thought: All jokes aside, these are actually pretty f**ken cool photos. There’s all sorts of explosions and all sorts of toys. All we can add is that with Dragonball Z, Pacific Rim, the DC Universe, Power Rangers and Pokémon, all he needs to blow up now are some sex toys. Ha! Exploding dildos. Whatever next.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Strange World Records