These guys demonstrate how to deal with cheeky car park thieves

Credit: Unknown

These guys demonstrate how to deal with cheeky car park thieves

If you’ve ever been waiting patiently for a car park only to have some dodgy bugger steal it from you, you’ll know just how infuriating that s**t is. Deadset, finding a car park can be a f**ken nightmare, but one of the thin veneers of society keeping our darker instincts in check is the simple fact that there’s acceptable conduct on this matter. You don’t f**ken take a car park you’re not entitled to. This video sees a couple of car park thieves get their comeuppance, and, quite frankly, it’s glorious…

We’ll start with the obvious and state that this is one of those videos that has a few people in the comments section commenting that this is probably bulls**t. We’re going to acknowledge that and run with it. If we were to think every video online was fake, we’d never believe anything.

Credit: Unknown

Anyway, it all starts when a bloke’s waiting for his car park and a sheila starts blocking it off with traffic cones. “You can’t do that!” the driver yells, but it has no effect. Not only does the sheila continue to do exactly that, but her boyfriend then takes the car park.

Credit: Unknown

While the offended victim’s saying that he’s gonna teach them a lesson, the boyfriend hops out of the car. To say he looks like a bit of a douche is to put things mildly.

Credit: Unknown

This, though, is where it gets interesting. Once the two head inside, clearly feeling pretty smug with their stunt, the victim plays the trump card. He pulls out a f**ken wheel-clamp.

Credit: Unknown

Yeah, nah, we won’t break the whole thing down for you, because it’s in the video, but between the wheel clamp and the nice little note they leave taped to the car park thieves’ vehicle, it’s safe to say they have the last laugh.

Credit: Unknown

Give it a spin and watch the drama unfold.

Credit: Unknown

Final thought: We’re not sure if this is a true story or not, but if it is, it’s nice to see people who deserve it get a solid kick from karma. If you’ve ever had your car park stolen on a busy day, let us know how you responded. Till then, f**ken hooroo, ya legends.

Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man & Uncle Roger Review: Cooking Fails

Video Link: Paul Vu