Credit: Dr. Alicia Jeffrey-Thomas DPT
Doctor warns peeing in the shower is bad for sheilas
In recent years, plenty of people have been arguing that we should all be peeing in the shower. Yeah, nah, apparently, draining the lizard – or the clam – while you give yourself a bit of a scrub is a bonza way to save the environment. The logic is that this is a sure-fire way to save water, and we’ll be honest, it makes sense: after all, every time you flush, you’re sending gallons and gallons of the world’s most precious resource straight out to sea. Now, though, one doctor is saying that peeing in the shower should be a no-go for sheilas everywhere.
The doctor in question is Dr Alicia Jeffrey-Thomas who’s recently warned on TikTok that taking a slash while you lather up could lead to medical problems for sheilas everywhere. Deadset, she reckons that chicks should not be doing this s**t if they value their pelvic floors.

Credit: Dr. Alicia Jeffrey-Thomas DPT
In a recent TikTok about bladder control, she said, “There’s two things I want to focus on here, the overall bladder fitness perspective and the pelvic floor perspective.” She reckons that, “If you pee in the shower or turn on the faucet, or turn on the shower and then sit on the toilet while the water’s running, you are creating an association in your brain between the sound of running water and having to pee.”
Now, while this sounds like bollocks, we can see the logic. After all, running water can make you need to tinkle. Especially when you’re already busting. Still, though, surely that s**t flies both ways.

Credit: Dr. Alicia Jeffrey-Thomas DPT
On that note, though, she says, “Unfortunately, those of us who were assigned female at birth and have that anatomy were not designed to pee standing up. Even in this Captain Morgan pose [one leg up high] your pelvic floor isn’t going to relax appropriately, which means that you aren’t going to be emptying your bladder super well.”

Credit: Dr. Alicia Jeffrey-Thomas DPT
So there you have it, sheilas. Make sure you use the pisser like a proper lady if you don’t want a pelvic flaw.
Final thought: We don’t know what we think about this. S**t, we don’t reckon we should. Instead, we reckon we open this one up to the sheilas in the comments section and see what they reckon. So, have at it ladies, tell us whether you like this info or whether it can just piss off.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Hungry Penguins
Video Link: TikTok