These people reckon pop culture has ruined their names
Bloody names are funny things aren’t they? Depending on where and when you were born, your name’s probably gonna follow some sort of cultural or social trend or tradition. That’s pretty normal and it goes a long way to explaining why you might have a name that no other b**tard had when you were growing up, but has since become immensely popular. However, one thing your folks couldn’t possibly take into account when you were born was how pop culture might affect your name in the future.
So when late-night TV writer Jesse McLaren asked their Twitter followers what piece of pop culture had ruined their name, the replies came thick and fast.

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Honestly, it’s something you can never really take into account when you’re young, but if you think back to your mates at school, you probably related at least some of their names to stuff you’d seen on TV.

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Credit: Twitter

Credit: Twitter
Whether that was positive or negative would have depended on the name and your relationship with that person, but one thing’s for sure. If you’ve gotta live a life where you’re constantly reminded about the more famous person or character with your name, you’re gonna get fairly sick of it fairly quickly.

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Credit: Twitter

Credit: Twitter
Having said all of that, most of this is pretty good natured and more than a bit of it’s pretty bloody funny. Seriously, anyone named Aaron – as evidenced by the tweets you’re seeing here – probably has a bit of a grudge to take out on Key and Peele.

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Credit: Twitter

Credit: Twitter
Of course, it’s not only TV characters who are affecting everyday folks with their names. Think about politicians, athletes and even memes. Both the Kyles and the Karens get a mention in the discussion, and we reckon there are plenty more where they come from.

Credit: Twitter
Final thought: So, if you’ve got a name that’s been dicked on by pop culture, let us know. Seriously, fill the bloody comments section up with your thoughts. Until then, hooroo, ya big bloody legends.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Ninja Fails