Credit: Obvious Plant
These fake products found in real stores are f*@#en brilliant
Let’s be honest, everyone loves a bloody good practical joke. Deadset, that’s probably one of the main reasons the internet has been so popular for so long. Yeah, nah, it’s not because it’s super convenient or full of memes, porn, and social media sites, it’s because of the practical jokes you can vicariously enjoy on it. And while we love to see blokes and blokettes friggen axe themselves as much as the next guy, if those practical jokes are kinda harmless despite being laced with nihilistic cynicism, then that’s bloody great too!

Credit: Obvious Plant
Before we start going on about the actual prank here, let’s just point out that one of the best things about being a Dad is checking out the toy section of the supermarket with impunity. Honestly, no fair dinkum Dad is gonna deny himself that opportunity.

Credit: Obvious Plant

Credit: Obvious Plant

Credit: Obvious Plant

Credit: Obvious Plant
Of course, the only thing that could make that better would be a whole bunch of planted fake toys amongst the real ones. That’s where Obvious Plant comes in. The dude behind it, Jeff Wysaski, is one of the internet’s main men when it comes to dropping fake products into real stores. The ‘toys’ you’re seeing here are all his work.

Credit: Obvious Plant

Credit: Obvious Plant

Credit: Obvious Plant

Credit: Obvious Plant

Credit: Obvious Plant
He said, “I actually got the idea while doing a different plant, Better Book Store Sections.” On that occasion, he planted a load of hilarious book covers over existing books, but this time – thanks to his excellent doctoring of toy packaging – he’s outdone himself.

Credit: Obvious Plant

Credit: Obvious Plant

Credit: Obvious Plant

Credit: Obvious Plant

Credit: Obvious Plant
Best of all, while plenty of these are innocent, if a little quirky, some of them deliver some bitingly dark comedy that’s sure to get unsuspecting parents looking twice. Of course, you just know that there’d be more than a few parents who’d grab that stuff and take it straight to the counter.

Credit: Obvious Plant

Credit: Obvious Plant

Credit: Obvious Plant

Credit: Obvious Plant

Credit: Obvious Plant
Like us, for example. We’d be grabbing some of this stuff and screaming, “Take our money!”
Final thought: Have a bloody good squiz at these and then let us know what you’d do if you found ‘em in your local toy section.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Bears V Hammock
Video Link: Funny Pig