The most common passwords of 2020 prove that people are s**t at picking them

The most common passwords of 2020 prove that people are s**t at picking them

We’re not gonna lie to you, when we log onto this site, we don’t want to remember some tricksy password when we get to the sign-in screen. Yeah, nah, f**k that, we’re just typing ‘Password234’ and getting into the system. And judging from Nordpass’s annual release of the world’s most common passwords, it seems like plenty of you lot do the same. Let’s have a bloody squiz and see if we can find yours…

Jokes aside, it’s pretty easy to fall into lazy habits with passwords, particularly if you’ve never been hacked before. When you take into account the dreaded ‘forgotten password’ window, and the difficulty of remembering more than, well, one of the bloody things, we get it.

Still, it all makes for interesting reading, and Nordpass are the bloody kings of this s**t.

Credit: Nordpass

They explain at the beginning of their report:

“Here are the worst 200 passwords of 2020. The list details how many times a password has been exposed, used, and how much time it would take to crack it. We also compare the worst passwords of 2019 and 2020, highlighting how their positions have changed. The green arrows indicate a rise in the position while the red ones – a fall off.”

Credit: Nordpass

Apparently, the world’s most common password (according to their database) is too bloody predictable. Deadset, they’ve found the password ‘123456’ in use more than 2.5 million times. Seriously, guys, throw a bloody decimal place in there somewhere.

Credit: Nordpass

It goes without saying that if that’s your password you should go and change it now. Because Nordpass haven’t only counted the passwords, they’ve also figured out how long it would take to crack each one – and you probably want to see the figures. They are alarmingly low. You know, like the number of unique passwords they found in their database. Of the 275,699,516 passwords they analysed, less than half were bloody unique.

Credit: Nordpass

Other common passwords they found were pretty f**ken easy to guess. They usually contained combinations of words like ‘password’, ‘12345’, or ‘qwerty’.

Credit: Nordpass

Anyway, click on through and check out the report on their website. It’s a bloody eye-opener.

Final thought: As we said earlier, it’s pretty f**ken easy to get lazy with this stuff and think that ‘hackers’ won’t get you. Considering how much important s**t you’ve got stored online these days, you really don’t want to tempt fate. Have a look at their tips for creating good passwords and strengthen your online security.

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