Credit: Big Daddy Dishrags
Canadian weed shop worker fights off thieves with a f*cken bong
F**ken hell, some people just can’t help themselves can they? You know the kind of blokes and blokettes I’m talking about: the ones who can’t help but act like low-lives, the ones who f**k it all up for the rest of us, and the ones who are determined to go about sh*t in the most unfathomably awful way possible. This video features a few of them; fortunately, the shop-keeper channels his inner Cypress Hill and delivers a hit from the bong!
Rightio, ya big bloody champions, we’re on the way to f**ken Canadia for this one. As you probably know, those lovely – and usually too polite – canucks legalised pot last week and most of the country spent the day getting as high as a f**ken kite.

Credit: Big Daddy Dishrags
But while most people were chilling the f**k out, listening to Pink Floyd and eating Cheetohs, some were determined to kill the buzz. To do that, they planned on holding up a shop that would sell them everything they needed.

Credit: Big Daddy Dishrags
Unluckily for them, they bit off more than they could chew. It turns out the shopkeeper either hadn’t been partaking in the product – and if he has, he’s a f**ken madman – because when a bunch of dickheads broke in, he decided he wasn’t playing.

Credit: Big Daddy Dishrags
He picked up the nearest weapon-sized bong and f**ken attacked. Dodging bear spray and fending off the bloody stooges who thought this was a good idea, he bloody well charged. Deadset, he f**ken charged them with nothing but a bong for a weapon. “You want a f**ken hit, c**ts?” he asked. And he’s clearly practiced. He was wielding that thing like a bloody baseball bat.
Watch the video to see how it all pans out.

Credit: Big Daddy Dishrags
Final thought: Guys, if you have to bloody well rob something, don’t rob a central point of access for millions. That’s a dick move!
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Man v Plastic Chair
H/T: Vice.