Halloween Special: Some of the Scariest Two Sentence Horror Stories Ever
It’s Halloween ya spooky wankers. The one night of the year when it’s totally OK to dress up, eat junk food, prank the neighbours and watch horror movies until your eyes bleed is upon us. To celebrate, here are some of the best two-sentence horror stories on the net…
It’s impossible to overestimate the impact of classic Literature on our favourite monsters. Frankenstein’s Monster, Dracula, The Invisible Man, Pennywise the Clown and loads more were all characters in novels before they became the icons of Halloween.

Yeah, nah. Laughing babies are the worst. Creepy little brats. Credit: 9gag.com
Of course, you don’t necessarily have time to catch up on all that reading in just one day. Instead, check out these great two sentence horror stories.
Whether you like your horror creepy, shocking or straight out spooky, there’s bound to be something here to tingle your spine, raise your hackles and leave you a little edgy before bedtime.

They reckon cats and dogs can see ghosts and sh** don’t they? Credit: 9gag.com

Classic movie spine-tingler that one. Was it Annabelle? Credit: 9gag.com

Yeah, nah, that one got me. F*** this one. Credit: 9gag.com

Because I was jacking it. Durr. Credit: 9gag.com

Which mum do you trust? Oh God, which mum do you trust? The correct answer is neither. Her funeral was a year ago today. Credit: 9gag.com

Could just be draughty. I mean there’s no reason to believe it’s ghosts, right? Credit: 9gag.com

Makes me think of Lovecraft’s Classic, The Rats in the Walls. This dude’s totally ending up dead or insane.
Credit: 9gag.com

Does anyone else feel like complex and compound sentences are cheating? Credit: 9gag.com

All I can think of is that Mudvayne song. Shadow of a Man. Credit: 9gag.com

Yep, nope. Credit: 9gag.com

That’s a little macabre isn’t it? Credit: 9gag.com

Kill it with fire. Credit: 9gag.com

Meh… Credit: 9gag.com

That would suck. Credit: 9gag.com

Nah, yeah, this one gave me chills. Credit: 9gag.com

I hope it’s not your dead girlfriend’s hand. Credit: 9gag.com

Yeah, this one’s probably my fave. Spooky little buggers, children. Credit: 9gag.com

OK, OK, this one got the hairs on the neck going. Either that or there’s someone standing behind me! Credit: 9gag.com

A strong argument for cremation this one. Credit: 9gag.com
All right, ya wankers. Which one’s your fave? Let us know in the comments.
With that said, happy Halloween. May you get sh**loads of chocolate.
H/T: 9gag.