Female Powerlifter Returns To Sport After 18-Months Looking Swole As F*%k!
Crikey, Russian powerlifter Natalia Kuznetsova is one muscly woman. Now, I can’t go putting sh** on a girl like this. For one thing, I sit around drinking beer and eating cheese while she’s just punching weights like nobody’s business, but just after announcing her return to competitive powerlifting, she’s shared some photos to her Instagram and I think it’s fair to say this chick is built like a brick sh**house.
Kuznetsova who holds three world records for bench press and three for deadlift only retired 18 months ago, but has been unable to stay away from the sport she loves. Seriously though, have a go at her, when she says bench press, you have to imagine she’s pressing the whole bench – and it’s got to be chock-a-block with fatties! Imagine her shake-weight!

Lookin’ good. Credit: Cen/VK
Hailing from Chita in Russia, she certainly makes me think that Donald Trump better not go picking fights with Russia. They’ve got chicks who could arm-wrestle the Incredible Hulk, bears and vodka. That’s a serious combination.
Anyway, back on topic, Kuznetsova has said she’ll be coaching to help others achieve their goals but she could not stay away from the sport. After releasing some new photos of her physique, she announced that, yes, she has received hate from dickheads on social media over her physique but has learned to ignore it.

That’s the kind of bench she presses. Credit: Cen/VK
That’s a cavalier attitude, but what the hell is wrong with folks. Far be it for me to get on my high-horse, but that sh**’s just not on. She could crush most internet warriors like bugs. Don’t go saying dumb crap to her. It’s nasty and she could beat you to a pulp. Save your hate for people who deserve it and can’t hurt you, don’t you know anything?

Here she is keeping Russia safe from sharks. Credit: Cen/VK

And Godzillas. She keeps Russia safe from Godzillas too. Credit: Cen/VK
Training for several hours a day and maintaining a strict diet that sees her sprinkle protein on her food instead of salt, it can only be a matter of time before Kuznetsova is breaking records again.

“I will crush your nuts in my vice-like hands.” Credit: Cen/VK

Seriously though, girls, look how fit you’ll get if you keep pumping that iron. Credit: Cen/VK
Good on ya, Natalia. You’re dedication is easily worth a top sheila nomination. After all, you go all right for a chick. F***ing bonza stuff, that!
H/T: Daily Mail.