Ozzy Man Reviews: Game of Thrones S6E1
We are back in action with Game of Thrones ladies and gents.
It was a smooth start, which is great. It would be terrible to be bitching about it from the outset.
We’re also getting well into unchartered territory with book wankers like myself having no idea where this is heading now.
It’s stressful, but awesome.
My video review is below:
Got blocked worldwide for some fucked up reason by Star India. That’s instantly depressing. A re-upload is below:
How many folks are still like me and stubbornly thinking Jonno will be back in another episode or two?
How many of you think us believers are fucken deluded?
What’s your analysis of Melisandre? She’s a bloody enigma that’s for sure.
I’ve always thought she got it wrong and actually worships a Lord of Darkness, not a Lord of Light, whether or not that was intentional I dunno. But her magic is different to that of Thoros from the Brotherhood Without Banners in Season 3 that’s for sure. He brought back Beric in very different ways.
Davos is probs close to knocking on her door as he mentions her in the end of his scene. Maybe she’ll spill the beans to him once and for all.
Bloody excitement.
Anyone else looking forward to the Lannisters doing twisted shit again? Or is that just me?