Tag: game of thrones

Ozzy Man Reviews: Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 6

3.69K Views0 Comments

We're over the adrenaline fuelled mid-point of Season 6 and taking a breath this week. The pacing was very chill, but I think the episode sits well with me overall. Characters seemed a little wishy washy (Cersei and...

Ozzy Man Reviews: Game of Thrones Season 6 Ep 5

4.29K Views0 Comments

Game of Thrones Episode 5 of Season 6 is done and dusted and I remain a very satisfied, invested, engaged viewer. This season is motoring along beautifully I reckon. As we learn more and more about characters and pl...

Ozzy Man Reviews: Game of Thrones S6 Episode 2

2.69K Views0 Comments

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck yesssssssssss! What a pearler of an episode that was! Jam packed with goodness left, right and centre I reckon. Of course, the main event was the Red Woman finally having a proper look at Jonno. G...

Ozzy Man Reviews: Game of Thrones S6E1

3.28K Views0 Comments

Kapow! We are back in action with Game of Thrones ladies and gents. It was a smooth start, which is great. It would be terrible to be bitching about it from the outset. We're also getting well into unchartered terr...

Ozzy Man Reviews: Game of Thrones S6 Trailer

3.35K Views0 Comments

I would like to start this blog post off with some over-sharing... I, Ozzy Man of House Man, from the River of Swan Clan in Perth, Straya...have...a... MASSIVE STIFFY. I mean I am hard as fuck. Absolute whopper of a ...