Opera Singer Belts Out A Ripper Highway To Hell Cover
I have a guilty pleasure which involves sitting on my arse and watching the shit out of talent shows some nights.
You never know what ya gonna get and that’s part of the thrill ride.
You also don’t have to use too much brain power watching this crap. You can just switch right off, chow down some dinner, and let the good times roll.
The great thing about our internet is that we can also get a glimpse into what these shows are like in other parts of the world.
The other night on Spain’s Got Talent one of the contestants whipped out a ripper of an ACDC cover.
Of course, this is Ozzy Man Reviews endorsed. She does a fucken great job! Video below ya wankers:
At first I thought the video was gonna be an opera version of Highway to Hell, but nup, it was a complete genre change. #gamechanger
I actually dunno if she’s more of an opera singer or more of a rock singer and where she started. Bloody versatile enough to pull off each genre convincingly n shit, though.
I love seeing how folks around the world put their spin on classic ACDC songs.
Steve ‘n’ Seagulls from Finland do a great cover of Thunderstruck as well.
I think I need to work on a Spotify playlist of Acca Dacca covers from round the world.
That playlist would get a thrashing.