Credit: CPR Kids/Facebook
Battery experiment proves how f**ked your insides are if swallowed
Rightio, mums and dads, it’s time for one of Ozzy Man Reviews’ lessons in parenting. As you know, kids are pretty bloody stupid. Now, don’t get offended at that. It’s just a fact. Even a smart kid is pretty f**ken dumb when you compare it to a pretty smart adult, so don’t be surprised if even your supposed brainiac one day eats a button battery. If you’ve got a dumb kid, you may as well just call the ambos now. The young fella’s probably already digesting one…
Anyway, the reason we tell you this is that CPR Kids founder Sarah Hunstead has just released some images that show exactly what a button battery can do to a bit of chicken breast. Obviously, chicken breast isn’t a human stomach, but it’d be pretty f**ked if Sarah was experimenting with real kids.

Credit: CPR Kids/Facebook
She’s not bloody Mengele.
The reason she’s done this is because kids – whether they’re about as smart as a box full of hammers or as dumb as a f**ken plank – love to eat button batteries. Deadset, four of them turn up to emergency departments in Oz every bloody week.

Credit: CPR Kids/Facebook
Hunstead posted a couple of photos that show the battery burning the f**k out of the meat. She told the Daily Mail’s FEMAIL section that, “[This is to show] just how corrosive button batteries are. The first was taken just 30 minutes after exposure… the second after only four hours. It really demonstrates how much damage it can cause when a child swallows a button battery – this is why it is deemed a medical emergency. Most importantly, know how to help your child in an emergency – don’t put it off any longer!”

Credit: CPR Kids/Facebook
So, Ozzies, this is important. When little Bruce or little Shaz accidentally pop open the back of their toys and find a nice shiny battery inside, don’t reckon that ‘She’ll be f**ken right, mate.’ Their saliva and the stomach acids create an electric current for the battery and it will cook the f**k out of their insides.

Credit: Twitter
That s**t’s not good.
Final thought: Obviously, we love to help out here at Ozzy Man Reviews, and if you’re the kind of parent who might leave s**t lying around, just make sure there are no batteries in the mix. They’ll do some serious bloody damage, and, as any parent worth their salt knows, it can be pretty bloody hard to stop them from doing their damage!
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Dance Floor Rituals
Video Link: Metallica TV