Credit: Yuma County Sheriff
Marine vet disarms gun-wielding robbery suspect
While we’ll always advocate that the most sensible thing to do when there’s an armed robber in the house is to remain calm and not risk getting injured, we’re also not adverse to celebrating when a bloody legend does the exact opposite and scores one for the good guys. That’s exactly what brings us to video of a former Marine jumping into action and saving the day when a gun-wielding thug makes his way into an Arizona gas station. Give it a squiz to see what we mean.
The footage was shared to Facebook by the Yuma County Sheriff’s Department and it shows just how quickly the bloody hero was able to take the gun off the robber and stop things spilling into a crisis.

Credit: Yuma County Sheriff
They shared the video with an explanation of events. “On Wednesday, October 20, 2021, at approximately 4:30 AM, Deputies responded to an armed robbery report at the Chevron located at 10747 E. North Frontage Road. Upon arrival, Deputies learned of three suspects entering the Chevron, one of them armed with a handgun. The armed suspect walked next to a store customer while pointing the weapon toward the cashier when the customer acted immediately and disarmed him.”

Credit: Yuma County Sheriff
And deadset, the bloke is like a f**ken ninja. One minute he’s casually waiting to be served, and then, when the young crims come in, he flexes his steel f**ken trap reflexes. He’s like, “Yeah, nah, this s**t ain’t happening.”

Credit: Yuma County Sheriff
Next thing you know, it’s all over. Two bad dudes have f**ken legged it, but as the Yuma County Sheriff’s Office say in the post, “The customer was able to detain the suspect he disarmed until law enforcement arrived. The suspect detained during the incident was a juvenile and was booked into the Yuma County Juvenile Justice Center for one count of armed robbery and one count of aggravated assault.”

Credit: Yuma County Sheriff
When asked how he was able to act so quickly, the marine said, ““The Marine Corps taught me not to [mess] around.”
Final thought: Yeah, nah, as we said above, your best bet is to chill the f**k out and avoid conflict, but if you happen to be a superhero in your casual clothes, just f**ken go nuts and save the day. F**k yes, that guy. F**k yes!
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Cyclists
Video Link: Facebook