Policeman Stops Press Conference On Live TV To Arrest Beer Drinking Heckler
A drunk man interrupted a press conference with a senior detective in Albury yesterday, allegedly yelling “Bullsh!t” at the policeman as he was talking to the press.
Without hesitation, Detective Inspector Winston Woodward stepped out of glamorous media personality mode into cop mode and went to sort out the situation. Detective Woodward was less than impressed with the bloke, who was also carrying an open stubbie at the time.
In what can only be described as an absolute insult to our fine Australian producers of fermented beverages, the man was forced into disposing of the beer in the bin next to him.
RIP Beer.
Our drunk mate is then rather hastily manhandled into the local police station, which conveniently is located about 4 metres away.
The drunk man was fined a whopping $500 for swearing in public! Can you believe that figure! In a language our friend can understand, that’s 11.1 slabs of VB stubbies. Or exactly the price of one Buddha fountain statue from Envy of Bali, Albury.
Keep an ear out at the end of the video too for the detective angrily yelling ‘TIM!’ as he marches our friend into the police station. I have a theory that Tim was meant to be keeping an eye on ol’ mate during the press conference, but got distracted with a chiko roll and a fanta back in the station. Come on Tim, hold it together man.
“TIM put down that god damn chiko roll and get your arse over here”
Check out the video below:
H/T: News.com.au