Japanese bloke transforms brand logos into useful items
Let’s face it; we live in a world saturated by advertising and branding. It doesn’t matter where you look, you’re more often than not surrounded by bloody logos. There are probably dozens around you right now. But while logos are often loaded with connotations and meanings in our mind, we don’t often think of them as useful. Japanese bloke Taku Oomura might just change that…

Credit: Trial and Error 50

Credit: Trial and Error 50
Old mate Taku, has a swish 3D printer and it’s his bag to take logos and make usable ‘things’ out of them. Quite often, that translates to ‘thing holder’, but let’s be fair, that’s still pretty bloody clever. I mean, what have you created today? If the answer is nothing, get down from your ivory tower and give some credit where it’s due. If you can show us up and you have created something rad, f**ken let us see it in the comments!

Credit: Trial and Error 50

Credit: Trial and Error 50
Get a load of these grouse PlayStation thingamajigs. They’re like bookends or something. You could probably even use them to display your playstation games on the shelf. Talk about handy!

Credit: Trial and Error 50

Credit: Trial and Error 50
These are for Wacoal. I’m not gonna pretend to know what that is. Or google it. If you know ya know. If not, they’re just regular magazine holders. What I do know is that if I worked for Wacoal these’d make a great addition to the waiting room!

Credit: Trial and Error 50

Credit: Trial and Error 50
Kobayashi incense burner. I’m not sure it fits with the dreamcatcher and wind-chimes decor expected of the kind of person who buys incense, but I’m sure it’ll look good next to their bong!

Credit: Trial and Error 50

Credit: Trial and Error 50
Yeah, all right, this is actually pretty rad.

Credit: Trial and Error 50
How has this not been done before. Someone in the Air Jordan marketing department has missed a trick!

Credit: Trial and Error 50

Credit: Trial and Error 50
F**k me, I didn’t see that one coming.

Credit: Trial and Error 50

Credit: Trial and Error 50
Now we’re talking. This is just plain sensible. I mean, we have cup-holders, why not bottle openers. It’d certainly save using the seat-belt clip!

Credit: Trial and Error 50

Credit: Trial and Error 50
Again, something every bloody Macca’s manager should have.

Credit: Trial and Error 50

Credit: Trial and Error 50
Yeah, all right. I can see this being handy.

Credit: Trial and Error 50

Credit: Trial and Error 50
That’s kinda gross, but it’d definitely work as an ocker fro-comb!

Credit: Trial and Error 50

Credit: Trial and Error 50

Credit: Trial and Error 50

Credit: Trial and Error 50
Louis Vuitton envelope holder. It’s not really gauche enough to be honest. Shouldn’t it have some over the top stickers and sh*t on it?

Credit: Trial and Error 50

Credit: Trial and Error 50
Final thought: You’ve gotta love a bit of creativity, and old Taku might be on to something pretty lucrative if he could custom-make cool sh*t for companies. I wonder what he could do with the Ozzy Man Reviews logo…
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Slimy Bloke
H/T: 9gag.