How many of these everyday bits of knowledge aren’t you aware of?
General knowledge is one of those awesome kinds of intelligence that you can’t really be ‘taught’ in a traditional sense. Being well-read certainly helps, but mostly, you either learn it from experience, your mistakes, or someone dropping a knowledge bomb on you. Have a look at these images to see how many of these things you either didn’t know or have been doing wrong your whole life. When the penny f**ken drops, you’ll know it.

Credit: Today Years Old/Twitter
Well here’s a good place to start. I’m not sure whether this sh*t is on the packaging somewhere, but it’d certainly make life at a party more civilised. Shouldn’t it have a recommended line for beer pong beers though?

Credit: Today Years Old/Twitter
Yeah, it’s common sense, but I’ve got to admit I wasn’t aware of it.

Credit: Today Years Old/Twitter
This one I had heard before. There’s tonnes of cool stuff in Spongebob that points to this as well as some awesome fan theories that it’s based on Bikini Atoll, an old nuclear testing site.

Credit: Today Years Old/Twitter
Yeah, this one’s old news. It’s just a pain in the ass that you can’t store it easily once you’ve broken it all down.

Credit: Today Years Old/Twitter
Yeah, all right, that’s the sound of a bloody penny dropping over here. How about you blokes and blokettes?

Credit: Today Years Old/Twitter
There you go.

Credit: Today Years Old/Twitter
Yeah, this one’s fairly old news too, right?

Credit: Today Years Old/Twitter
Unpopular opinion, but Harry Potter is just fantasy for children and adults who still like it should probably try and read something for grown-ups.

Credit: Today Years Old/Twitter
Um, tinder is the dry material you use to start a flame. I like the ‘matches’ pun approach, but tinder’s what you use to get a fire going. What do you reckon?
Credit: Today Years Old/TwitterPerfect evolutionary argument for shower beers, that one.

Credit: Today Years Old/Twitter
Okay, yeah, yeah, I’m today year’s old.

Credit: Today Years Old/Twitter
Well, I do now.

Credit: Today Years Old/Twitter
Who wants their pizza on an angle? That one’s just bloody weird.
Final thought: You might look at some of these things and think, ‘well, yeah, obviously,’ and you might look at some of them and realise how bloody clueless you really are. Just remember that knowing you don’t know is the first step to becoming an expert at something.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Jason Momoa plus Guess the Aussie Slang
H/T: The Chive.