Good Samaritan chased by debt collectors after calling ambulance for a homeless man
You know, you’d be forgiven for thinking that there are certain times in life when common sense would apply with no questions asked. And yeah, nah, yeah, you’d be forgiven, but you’d still be wrong. Take this for example: a homeless bloke’s been hit by a car so you call an ambulance for him. You’re fulfilling your social obligations, you’re doing a solid, you’re putting some good karma out there, but the Ambulance service doesn’t give a f**k, they just want you to pay up because the homeless man can’t.
That’s pretty much what happened to Jenna from Melbourne. Jenna is a cyclist (we’ll forgive her for that seeing as she’s obviously a good sort) and on her way to work one day she saw a homeless bloke get f**ken skittled by a car.

The good samaritan (even if she is a cyclist). Credit: ABC News – Madeleine Morris
Trained in first aid, she was on the case in no time at all. She comforted the bloke and did what anyone would be expected to do: she called a bloody ambulance. A few nee-naw-nee-naws later the ambulance arrived and they took the bloke off to hospital to be looked at.
There’s no word on whether or not the driver of the car stopped, but the homeless fella, Will, decided not to go to hospital. Then, a couple of months later, Jenna started being hassled by bloody debt collectors.

An ambulance (believe it or not). Credit: ABC News – Seraphine Charpentier Andre
They were chasing her up about an invoice due to Ambulance Victoria. In her own words, Jenna says she “got a bit cranky,” and believes it’s unethical and outrageous to charge the homeless for medical debts. With that in mind it’s safe to assume she said something like, “Get f**ked, cobber. I’m not paying you jack shit!” to the debt collectors.
Ambulance Victoria have said the call was a mistake and apologised to Jenna. Apparently the company was calling just to see if Jenna was responsible for the bill. Riiiight. Ambulance Victoria are now investigating the incident.

Jenna’s face when she took the call from the Debt Collectors. Credit: MSN
Final thought: Jenna’s probably got a point. If we’re going to have a functioning society, the right to call an ambulance for some bloke who’s been hit by a f**ken car is something everyone needs to be able to exercise without fear of paying for it. If there’s no one around apart from two poor-as-f**k uni students, for example, we need to know the ambulance will still be called. Common sense, society. Try using it! As for Jenna, you’re clearly a top sheila. Good stuff.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Canadian Arrest