Credit: Facebook/Amir Khan/Sikh Volunteers Australia
Forget the doom and gloom for now – here’s some bloody good news stories
Here at Ozzy Man reviews, we know as much as you do that it’s pretty easy to get caught up in doom, gloom, fear, and paranoia right now, but despite all of the chaos and the changes to our daily lives, this whole thing can be seen as a testament to human kindness, resilience, ingenuity and compassion if you just know where to look. With that in mind, have a look at these awesome images to find out some of the mintox f**ken s**t that’s still going on.
Yeah, nah, we can’t deny the fact that times have been tough for some people.
There’s nothing we can say or do to replace your lost loved ones, and there’s no way we can tell you not to feel anxious or worried – that’d be a dick move.

Credit: @KhaledBeydoun/Twitter
But we do reckon it’s worth having a bloody squiz at some of these stories. Deadset, there are tales in here of bewdiful old ducks f**ken kicking Covid-19’s arse, teachers who are going out of their way to make sure their students are still learning their maths, and immigrants contributing more to their communities than plenty of locals.

Credit: Richard Briley/Facebook

Credit: @KarthiPrabha23/Twitter

Credit: Amir Khan/Facebook
It doesn’t end there, though, there are f**ken strangers paying for other people’s groceries, tales of CEOs who’ve forgone their own salaries to keep their employees heads above water, and landlords who’ve sacrificed rental payments from their tenants.

Credit: @DakSt8Football/Twitter

Credit: Julie Michaud/Facebook

Credit: @bradshaaaw/Twitter
But still, just like a late-night steak-knife commercial, there’s f**ken more. Check out the good work of Amir Khan, who’s donated his wedding hall and retail outlet to the NHS to help people affected by Covid-19, donations of masks for frontline workers, and bourbon distilleries who’ve adapted to the new regime by switching their factory out to manufacture hand sanitizer.

Credit: Sikh Volunteers Australia

Credit: @robin_stevenson/Twitter

Credit: AnniePNJ/Twitter
F**k yes, humans. F**k yes.

Credit: @Jason Barrett/Facebook

Credit: The RickyDavila
Final thought: We need to keep this s**t rolling. If you’ve done a good deed, or know of someone else who has, f**ken let us know. We want to see the images in the Facebook comments. Let’s have it, you bloody legends!
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Animals Relaxing #2