Broke Thai fisherman strikes gold after finding super valuable whale vomit

Credit: Viral Press

Broke Thai fisherman strikes gold after finding super valuable whale vomit

Bloody ambergris. It’s probably a fair call to say this is one of the grossest highly valuable substances on the planet. Consisting of a gut-wrenching combination of whale spew and whale turds, it’s a solidified concoction that’s highly valued by the bloody perfume industry. The reason for the high price it commands is its rarity, so when a Thai fisherman came across some, the lucky bugger was about to see his fortunes change – even if it did take a while.

The bloke in question is Jumrus Thiachot. The 55-year-old was walking along the beach at Koh Samui in Thailand’s south when he found the stinking object.

At the time, he wasn’t really sure what it was, but he had the smarts to heft it back home. That’s a good thing. The estimates reckon the 14lb chunk ambergris could be worth somewhere between $320,000 and $500,000 US dollars.

Credit: Viral Press

It wasn’t an instant windfall for Jumrus, though. Yeah, nah, he sat on the stuff for almost a whole year – keeping it in his shed – until some Government blokes came knocking and confirmed his find.

At first, his neighbours came around right after his nephew spilled the beans. The cheeky buggers told him they’d run some tests on the stuff and get back to him. Do you reckon they did?

Credit: Viral Press

“Three of my neighbours came after my nephew told the villagers that I found a whale vomit. They asked for slices and said that they will run some checks to prove that it was really a whale vomit, but they said the tests didn’t show anything. I needed to know the truth, so that’s why I contacted the authorities to check. Now I know it is real whale vomit I will sell it.”

Eventually, the authorities rocked up and said, “Yeah, nah, it’s bloody ambergris, mate. Your neighbours have stooged you. You could probably sell this for $500,000 based on recent prices.”

Credit: Viral Press

The whole time it’s been in his shed, Thiachot’s been working for ten bucks a day. Now, thanks to his whale spew and its precious ambrein, he’ll sell the lot off to the perfume industry and enjoy luxuriating around some fat stacks!

Credit: Viral Press

Final thought: We reckon old mate must have some good bloody karma and that there’s a lesson there for everyone. Do good to others and hopefully, you too will one day find a valuable ball of solidified whale spew.

Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Criminal Swan

Video Link: South China Morning Post