Credit: George Trojanowski
Bloody kookaburra brings his “kills” to Aussie couple on veranda to admire
Yeah, look, if you’re from round these parts, you know that bloody kookaburras spend a fair bit of time in the old gum tree and that they love to have a bloody good laugh while they’re at it. Of course, you probably also know that they love to scrounge a bit of tucker from the locals. Deadset, they love a Bunnings snag, a bit of steak or a square of bread. That doesn’t mean they can’t catch their own food, though. Yeah, nah, check out Scruff here. He’s caught a mad rat, and he’s keen to show it off…
Rightio, those of us here in Ozzyland know all about kookaburras, but just in case you’re not local and you haven’t had a chance to make the acquaintance of these delightful little buggers, they really are tops creatures.

Credit: George Trojanowski
Their distinctive laugh, their gorgeous colouring, and their status as iconic Aussie animals makes ‘em firm favourites here at Ozzy Man Reviews, and we love this video. Filmed at Kiels Mountain in Queensland, it shows how personable the little critters can be.

Credit: George Trojanowski
Nah, deadset, plenty of folks have got kookaburras tame enough to take food from the hand, but this one, Scruff, doesn’t need that. Yeah, nah, he’s got his own grub: a big dead rat – and he’s keen to show it off.

Credit: George Trojanowski
George Trojanowski, the guy who filmed Scruff for this video reckons, “We live on a small rural mountaintop property and have encouraged many wild birds to adopt our home as a sanctuary and occasional supplementary feeding opportunity. Scruff is one of five kookaburras that visit regularly, and he is definitely the character of the bunch. He’s brought other ‘kills’ for us to admire but this rat was definitely the pièce de résistance.”

Credit: George Trojanowski
Good s**t, Scruff. Good s**t.
Final thought: Yeah, nah, we bloody love this one. Kookaburras really are tops little critters. When they’re friendly, they’re right up there with the greatest Ozzy animals in the whole bloody land. If you’ve got kookaburra stories, share ‘em in the comments section and we’ll all have a laugh.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Humans Being Nice
Video Link: Storyful