13 gravity defying photos that will make you look twice

13 gravity defying photos that will make you look twice

When you think about it, gravity’s a son of a bitch. It bloody stops us from doing all sorts of cool floating Matrix sh*t. But that doesn’t always have to be the way. Every now and then some clever b*stard, maybe even a physicist, says ‘you know what, f**k physics,’ and sets up a photo that makes it look like gravity shall hold no sway. Sometimes blokes and blokettes just get lucky and get that photo thanks to arse instead of class. Here are some photos that show both circumstances…

Credit: Fair Use Policy

Credit: Fair Use Policy

All right, ya big sexy drongoes. Let’s just jump straight into this. And can we all agree that we won’t land again until we’re done pretending gravity ain’t no thing? Good. Let’s go. By the way, how f**ken good are mountain goats?

Credit: Fair Use Policy

Credit: Fair Use Policy

Have a go at this cheecky b*stard. Zen as f**k!

Credit: Echobrocation

Credit: Echobrocation

Righto, snow. I don’t know if that’s a result of a wind tunnel or a freak of nature, but either way. I like it.

Credit: Momizer

Credit: Momizer

Ha, this one’s credited as an icicle held only by a strand of spider webbing. Yeah, sure it’s an icicle, Steve.

Credit: Lee_Enterprises

Credit: Lee_Enterprises

Now, you see, I remember primary school science. That sh*t is called cohesion. With the slight ridge on the penny, you’ve got resistance and if it’s flat, the gravity will be working from the penny and not the table. I think.

Credit: Fair Use Policy

Credit: Fair Use Policy

Must be cold as f**k there.

Credit: iikagenniotonashikukirareyagare

Credit: iikagenniotonashikukirareyagare

How f**ken annoying are cats when they climb all over your car. B*stard bloody things.

Credit: Esa_events

Credit: Esa_events

Clearly a waste of forking good noodles, that. Clearly.

Credit: Fair Use Policy

Credit: Fair Use Policy

Look at this show-off. If that canister’s full though, you’ve gotta applaud the neck muscles. Crikey!

Credit: Thethirdrike

Credit: Thethirdrike

Geez. Have a go at this dude putting gravity in its place.

Credit: thumb_tani

Credit: thumb_tani

Who are all these folks with their steady hands. Where do you get the balls to move your hands away once you’re certain it’s balancing. Knowing my luck, that sh*t would end up everywhere!

Credit: Daniel Beltra

Credit: Daniel Beltra

All right, that’s rad. I don’t think those things are light. That’s some solidly frozen ice – or a gravity defying walrus right there!

Credit: Liskarialeman

Credit: Liskarialeman

Apparently, this log had been balancing like that for weeks when the photo was taken. Legend says it’s still there.

Credit: DaveJahVoo

Credit: DaveJahVoo

No talk about gravity-defying is complete without the gecko. We opened up with Mountain Goats and closed with geckoes. It feels…right.

Final thought: It would be bloody nice if we could all experience living without gravity. We could pretend to be astronauts. We could catch our drinks before they spilled. We could f**ken float up to people’s windows and say things like, “You have to invite me in!” Anyway, check out some more gravity-defying sh*t in the vid below…

Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Mega Compilation 7

H/T: Bored Panda.