Credit: Light
At 10 trillion frames per second, this camera captures light in slow motion
You know, the earth is full of really bloody quick things. Have a bloody think about it: there’s a plummeting peregrine falcon, the time an Ozzy Prime Minister spends in office, a speeding bullet, and a f**ken cheetah. The thing is, while we think those things are pretty bloody quick, they’re all easy enough to get on a camera. Yeah, nah, one thing that happens so quickly, you can barely register it is bloody light itself. Yeah, you know the sh*t that comes from the sun and makes night go away. That sh*t’s fast…
Yep, it’s so f**ken fast that until the invention of the miraculous invention alluded to in the headline of this very article, scientists couldn’t even capture it on film. And if that’s the case, how do we know it’s like there at all, man? Nah, obviously it’s there, but the fact we call it ‘the speed of light’ tells you it travels faster than a vindaloo fart can clear a room.

The T-CUP Credit: Light
This camera is called a T-CUP camera and it gets 10 trillion f**ken frames a second. I can’t really explain that to you in any sensible way outside of saying, the Slo-Mo Guys would be cracking Slo-Mo Boners at that sh*t.

A diagram of the T-CUP Credit: Light
Anyway, because we’re gonna hazard a guess and say you don’t really give a flying f**k how it works and just want to see what slo-mo light looks like, we’re gonna put a link here for the nerdlingers who want the technical mumbo-jumbo. Click here, ya geekazoids!
What that nerdy sh*t says in plain and simple language is, “this camera’s high-tech as f**k.” There are also clearly made up words there like femtoseconds, and the guy giving the quote’s last name is Wang, so there’s also that.

A pulse of light captured by the camera. Credit: Light
Anyway, light can now be filmed travelling across the room because of this grouse new camera.
Final thought: Scientists will no doubt be loving this , and if they use it to f**ken learn how to teleport sh*t, that’d be pretty bloody cool. Just don’t let them put Jeff Goldblum near it. We all know how that turns out.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: The Queen’s Guard
H/T: Tech Crunch.