Credit: @heretherebesculptures
Neglected depressed goldfish changes f*@#en colour after being looked after
If you’re anything like us, you probably don’t think too hard when your goldfish starts to cark it. Yeah, nah, you just have to wonder whether you should give him a fighting chance of survival and flush him while he’s still kicking or whether you should wait till he’s floating upside down. At least if you’re us. And we reckon that goes for most people. Lacey Scott, though, a sheila on TikTok seems to be the goldfish whisperer. Check out the epic recovery she encouraged for 10-year-old Monstro…
Deadset, if you haven’t cottoned on already, this one’s wholesome as f**k, and we reckon that’s bloody great. If you’re having a bit of a shocker, give this video a spin, and you’ll be feeling a million times better.

Credit: @heretherebesculptures
Anyway, as the story goes, Monstro was dropped off to the pet store a little worse for wear. Honestly, he looked like he’d gone ten rounds with Tyson. Still, we’ll let Lacey tell the story:

Credit: @heretherebesculptures

Credit: @heretherebesculptures
“On April 29th 2019,” she says, “I brought home a 10-year-old, sick and dying fish who was surrendered to a pet store. Because he could no longer swim he had lesions on his belly…I set up a shallow hospital tank with aquarium salt, and began daily water changes.”

Credit: @heretherebesculptures

Credit: @heretherebesculptures
From there, the f**ken fish started to get better. The little prick was swimming again, he was eating food, and he was back in f**ken business. And that’s when Lacey hooked him up with a new tank.

Credit: @heretherebesculptures

Credit: @heretherebesculptures
“When he was well enough, I got him an 85 gallon tank and some friends. Then, his colour began to change. And he got bigger. A lot bigger. I don’t know how long he has left, but he’ll spend the rest of his days happy and loved.”

Credit: @heretherebesculptures

Credit: @heretherebesculptures
So there you bloody have it, ya legends. With a bit of TLC, even a seemingly disposable goldfish can be rescued and made to feel happy as a pig in s**t. Anyway, we’ve got something in our eyes.

Credit: @heretherebesculptures

Credit: @heretherebesculptures
Final thought: Yeah, nah, there’s a real lesson in this. Something about perseverance, not giving up on the ones who just need a change of water and some new friends, and getting a sick f**ken name like Monstro. Of course, Lacey needs a top sheila award, so we can’t forget that. If you see her, shout a beer!
wasn’t planning on crying to a video about a fish but ya know? I would die for Monstro pic.twitter.com/qmbwOrkj6C
— 1312 (@xbuttplug) July 18, 2020
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Animals Relaxing #3
Video link: @xbuttplug via @heretherebesculptures