Credit: BenRyanANJax
High school creates controversy by Photoshopping girls’ cleavage in yearbook
As you all know, bloody Photoshop is a thing that exists. It, in itself, isn’t inherently evil. Yeah, nah, it’s just a tool, but just like any tool, it can be used for good and not so good. One school in the US, Bartram Trail High School in Florida, has used it for purposes that have turned out to be a little bit controversial. The silly buggers have gone and rolled a critical error with a decision to digitally alter the cleavage of female students, some of whom are pretty f**ken young.
The story broke online when Ben Ryan of Action News Jax shared his investigation into it on Twitter. Apparently, the school decided that the image of cleavage in their school photos violated their code of conduct.

Credit: BenRyanANJax

Credit: BenRyanANJax
Obviously, this could have been a lot worse, but it still has to be seen as a pretty f**ken weird decision. As has been commented online, these are kids, and they’re just existing in their bodies while not really wearing anything society would deem as inappropriate.

Credit: BenRyanANJax

Credit: BenRyanANJax

Credit: BenRyanANJax
On top of that, who the f**k looks at these photos and thinks about kids in that way. It’s just strange. Understandably, parents were frustrated at the decision. 80 school photos were affected.

Credit: BenRyanANJax

Credit: BenRyanANJax

Credit: BenRyanANJax
Riley O’Keefe, one of the girls affected by the decision showed that she has some common sense when she spoke about the issue: “You’re not only affecting their photo,” she said, “It’s not just for protecting them, you’re making them uncomfortable and feel like their bodies aren’t acceptable in a yearbook.”

Credit: BenRyanANJax

Credit: BenRyanANJax

Credit: BenRyanANJax
And, to be fair, she’s not bloody wrong. Here in Oz, we have uniforms that prevent this kind of silly s**t from happening, but this is just a bloody weird one.

Credit: BenRyanANJax

Credit: BenRyanANJax

Credit: @saucissonsec
Final thought: We can’t really wrap our heads around this one. It’s just so over-the-top, and to make matters worse, the decision-maker was apparently a sheila as well. You’d think she’d have a better take on things. Anyway, have a squiz at Ben’s Tweets and let us know what you reckon in the Facebook comments section.
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Video Link: First Coast News