Kid refuses to move legs on train, someone captured his reaction when bloke sits on him
One of the best things about being human is the fact we’re acutely aware of the power of facial expression. When something happens that moves us emotionally, we react. It’s part of what makes our existence as almost bald monkeys so bloody awesome. But still, while our own facial reactions are bloody great, there’s nothing quite as awesome as watching someone else’s facial response when something they don’t expect happens. With that in mind, check out this little peckerhead’s face when he gets his comeuppance on the subway.
Taking up too much space on public transport is a truly heinous offence. It’s one of those places where there’s a code. You only take up as much space as you’re allocated, you don’t make undue eye contact, and you shut the f**k up. Unfortunately, these are rules that seem to be passing us by.
For evidence of that, have a look at this little toerag. He’s on public transport and he’s sprawling out like Rick James on Eddie Murphy’s couch. Look at him there. Smug. Content. Entitled.
And then comes Elton John’s long lost son. This dude is like, nah, f**k that s**t. Fortunately, someone caught it on camera, because he just straight up sits on the little dude’s legs. And that’s when the magic happens. The kid looks f**ken mortified. He looks like someone just dropped a nasty fart in his breakfast cereal. Like he’s completely one-hundred per cent disgusted with the peon who dare soil his public transport space.
And, let’s be fair. It’s bloody glorious. Zoom in on it. Have a bloody squiz. This must be how the kings and emperors of yore looked when someone questioned their authority.
Final thought: As for the legend who upset the little bugger, we only have one thing to say. You, sir, are a top bloke. A truly top bloke. F**ken good onya!
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: WTF Happened in February 2019