Credit: SFPDTrafficSafety
Sheila seen leaning out of car holding AK-47 in San Francisco
You know, we try not to judge here at Ozzy Man Reviews. We really do. Sometimes, though – as we’ve said before – it’s hard not to. Yeah, nah, some stuff is just so f**ken bizarre or out there that you have to look at it and wonder just what the f**k is going through people’s heads. Take this sheila brandishing an AK-47 out the window of a moving vehicle on a busy San Francisco street for example…
Now, yeah, it’d be really easy for us just to stereotype and say this is America so it’s probably an everyday scene, but we get the vibe that even for the Yanks out there this was a bit too much. Matter of fact, some Americans we’ve spoken to would absolutely cringe at this.
On 7/11/2021, During an illegal exhibition of speed event at Barneveld & McKinnon, a passenger leaned out of a Cadi holding an AK47; see photo. SFPD Traffic Company personnel worked up a case, and seized this particular vehicle today. @SFPD @sfmta_muni @SFPDPerea pic.twitter.com/4disQpzziY
— SFPDTrafficSafety (@SFTrafficSafety) August 5, 2021
After all, despite the millions of gun-loving Americans, there are plenty more who realise the proliferation of guns can make life pretty f**ken scary.
Anyway, we digress. The San Francisco Police Department posted a picture of the incident in a tweet, and said, “On 7/11/2021, During an illegal exhibition of speed event at Barneveld & McKinnon, a passenger leaned out of a Cadi holding an AK47.”

Credit: SFPDTrafficSafety
Naturally, they couldn’t let that s**t slide. They completed the tweet by saying, “SFPD Traffic Company personnel worked up a case, and seized this particular vehicle today.”
There’s no news on whether the sheila was arrested, but you’d have to think there was some kind of consequence for her.

Credit: SFPDTrafficSafety
Anyway, the tweet resulted in others pointing a few things out. Some said the sheila’s trigger discipline was poor, while others noted it was a pretty ‘badass picture.’
Final thought: For those of us in Oz, it’s kinda hard to fathom this sort of s**t being part of your everyday life. If you’re in the States, we’d love to know whether this is just business as normal, or whether it has you ducking for cover. Let us know in the comments section.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Garbos