Russian couple have been raising a f*cken orphaned bear for over 20 years
G’day blokes and blokettes. Have you realised that we haven’t been to Russia in bloody yonks? Well, seeing as it’s been too long between crazy car crashes, full-on fights or bloody bear stories, we’ve got something here for ya. Check out this Russian couple and their awesome pet bear!

Credit: 9gag
Is that right? Pet bear? F**ken oath it is. Get a load of this sh*t. Svetlana and Yuriy Panteleenko live with their pet bear Stepan and have done for 23 years! Best of all, Stepan doesn’t seem to be treated at all like the poor circus bear we showed you a while back. Yeah, nah, he seems like a deadset legend – and a spoiled rotten one at that.

Credit: 9gag

Credit: 9gag
When Stepan was just three months old he was found by hunters in the forest. Apparently, he was in a pretty bad way. I’m guessing he’s a bit like the Bambi of bears in that respect. There’s no word on how the hunters ‘found’ his mum, but I think we can all have a guess. Let’s just hope he’s still harbouring hopes of revenge and looking for a machine gun.

Credit: 9gag
Now 23, Stepan is a big lover of bear-hugs, football, and helping to water the plants. Have a go at the photos to see how spoiled he is. And yeah, the big fella eats 25kilos of fish, veggies and eggs a day. Crikey!

Credit: 9gag
Svetlana said: ‘Stepan likes nothing more than to cuddle up with us on the sofa at night while we’re watching television. When we adopted him, he was only three-months-old and had been found by hunters in the forest having lost his mother. He was in a very bad condition. He absolutely loves people and is a really sociable bear – despite what people might think, he is not aggressive at all. We have never been bitten by Stepan. He’s got so many talents and loves a picnic. It’s a wonder he doesn’t eat us out of house and home.’

Credit: 9gag
Talk about a bewdiful animal!

Credit: 9gag
Final thought: This bear looks like a bloody legend. Who wouldn’t want one? Of course, the 25kilos of food a day is a pretty bloody big obstacle, and flicking his giant turds over the fence would be a bit of a chore, but pet bear! Come on!
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Deji V Jake Paul: Face 2 Face Meeting
H/T: 9gag.