LA’s elusive Jetpack Man has finally been caught on tape by pilot
While it’s not totally unheard of for people to take to the skies on jetpacks these days, LA’s own Jetpack Man has become something of an urban legend. Rumours about his existence have persisted ever since two reported sightings last Summer and Autumn. Now, though, they’ve got him on tape, and unless it’s a pretty good hoax, old mate appears to be flying a jetpack. Check it out…
Basically, this has been a bit of a story over in LA, and although things aren’t totally conclusive, with claims that this may be a drone and not a guy on a jetpack, we’ll have a squiz at it and ask if you could bloody well imagine it.

Credit: Sling Pilot Academy
If you’re anything like us, you’re minute knowledge of this kind of thing probably recalls some s**t about people not being able to fly jetpacks because the temperature would burn the f**k out of them. If this is a bloke on a jetpack, then well, you can forget that.
Still, video of the ‘bloke’ recorded by the Sling Pilot Academy has been posted to Instagram. The academy reckons, “The video appears to show a jet pack, but it could also be a drone or some other object.”

Credit: Sling Pilot Academy
As for the footage itself, we’re forced to ask that same old question that persists with these ‘urban myth’ stories. How come we can get crystal clear footage of planets in outer space, but this is grainy as f**k? Deadset, it’s almost like a bowl of your grandpa’s cereal.
The academy continues to describe the video in their Insta post: “If it is a ‘guy in a jet pack’ then it remains to be seen whether it is a legal test flight (jet packs are real – there is a manufacturer near Los Angeles) or related to the jet pack sightings near LAX recently that caused disruptions to air traffic.”

Credit: Sling Pilot Academy
As for us, we don’t know. You blokes decide.
Final thought: Yeah, nah, f**k it, whether or not this is legit, let us know where you’d be going if you had a jetpack of your own. See you in the comments section, ya legends!
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: WTF Happened in 2020
Video Link: Sling Pilot Academy