Credit: BBT
Japan finds bloody great solution to continue having graduation ceremonies
Bloody Japan. We feel like we’re always saying it, but while the rest of us are whinging about our petty problems, the resilient island nation just finds a solution and gets on with its business. Deadset, not only are they clean, polite, socially aware, and a little but kinky, but they’re also resourceful. With that in mind, have a squiz at how BTT University ensured its graduates could still enjoy a kickass graduation ceremony…
Yeah, nah, one of the big questions people have had is just how education systems are going to cope with the need to go online. Well, we could fair dinkum do worse than learn from this cool s**t.

Credit: BBT

Credit: BBT
Basically, knowing that the students couldn’t attend a real graduation ceremony, but not wanting to let them down, they adapted and f**ken evolved. They booked the graduation ceremony in at the Hotel Grand Palace in Tokyo, and set up a bunch of robots dressed in graduation gowns.

Credit: BBT

Credit: BBT
The ‘Newme’ robots were designed by ANA holdings, they had mechanical arms, and their faces were bloody screens the students could cast their image to. Other guests and graduates were able to check in via Zoom and enjoy the celebration.

Credit: BBT

Credit: BBT
Once the graduates had logged into the robots, then remotely operated the bloody things. As we mentioned, they all had display screen faces, allowing students to be virtually present – and still walk up on stage to complete the ceremony. How f**ken cool is that s**t! Deadset, we dunno about you, but we want to do everything like this.

Credit: BBT

Credit: BBT
Final thought: Come on, tell us this isn’t the way of the future. How good would it be to just chuck your flanno and your VB cap onto the robot, then send it out for bread, milk, and a carton of piss. Seriously, we reckon this is a bloody great option even once we’re done with quarantining and social isolation. Bloody Japan strikes again. Legends.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Gaming Fails