Credit: First We Feast/YouTube
Paul Rudd likes to photobomb pictures with a ‘ballsack’
The human body is a pretty bloody wonderful thing. Deadset, it comes with tonnes of hidden extras that you’ll never know about unless someone shows you. Of course, not everyone can do all the tricks. Yeah, nah, that’d be boring. It’s more like some people have superpowers. That weird kid with the double-jointed neck, the dude who can pop his eyebrows out, Paul Rudd, etc. And yeah, we mean that Paul Rudd. Antman. He can take a photo with anyone and turn his pinkie into a scrote…
That’s not all, though. The dude’s got a few bloody great photo tricks that’d make even the dodgiest of uncles proud. With a bit of careful manipulation of his hand, he’s quite capable of adding balls, butts and even a bit of gash to any photo.

Credit: First We Feast/YouTube
The news broke on the YouTube channel First We Feast. Rudd was guesting on Hot Ones, a show where celebrities eat hot chicken wings while being interviewed. It sounds dumb, and it kinda is, but it’s also a pretty watchable show. The wings are famously hot, and there’s usually more than one bead of sweat on display.
Anyway, the host, Sean Evans, repeated a claim from Judd Apatow that Rudd liked to add butts to photos. From there, Rudd was all over it, showing off his mutant superpower. In one photo, he even adds a ‘ballsack’ into a ‘butt’ photo.

Credit: First We Feast/YouTube
“He said that you do this thing with your hand where you make it look like there’s a butt hovering over them,” the host says.
“If I gave you my phone, can you show me how you do that?”
“Sure…so, if I do this and I get you in the (frame) and I get my hand going here…it looks like you’re standing in front of a guy. Or a girl that’s totally naked.”
And then, Rudd busts out the coup de grace.
“Now, that one’s definitely a guy!”
“Woah, you got a ballsack in there!”
“Yeah, I learned my pinkie, at the right angle, makes a great scrotum.”

Credit: First We Feast/YouTube
We’re not gonna go through it all, but Rudd’s got more sights to show you. Check out the video below.
Final thought: It’s really hard not to like Rudd. And let’s be honest, the friendly way he delivers his lesson to Evans is bloody excellent. Of course, the only thing left to do is ask you guys to send in photos to the Facebook comments. No real ones, though. Finger butts and pinkie scrotes only!
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Nutcracker Compilation
Video Link: First We Feast