Two blokes try to hand out free masks to everyone and film the feedback
We’re trying to think of a witty intro to this one, but we’re struggling, and that’s probably because our jaws are on the floor and our heads are shaking. Obviously, we all know that the States is getting shafted hardcore by Coronavirus and that the place has managed to politicise something as common-sense as wearing masks. We’ve kinda covered that point before, but you need to see this video, because the problem – in some places – is f**ken massive.
In this one, a couple of blokes make their way to Huntington Beach in California. When they get there, they try to hand out free masks. Obviously, it’s a nice bit of trolling, and a bit of selective editing shows just how many people refuse the bloody things, but what’s a bit strange is the level of anger people show when offered a mask.

Credit: Chad Goes Deep
The video was uploaded on YouTube channel Chad Goes Deep earlier today. The premise as you can imagine, is pretty f**ken basic. As Chad tells us right at the start of the vid, “We are here at Huntington Beach to solve the mask shortage. As you can see no one here has a mask, but we bought our own.”

Credit: Chad Goes Deep
From there, it’s pretty much downhill.
The dudes are asked where they think they’re going when they die, told the whole thing is a ‘f**ken lie’ by an angry finger-pointing dude, berated by a guy who challenges them to a fight, and constantly told that masks are muzzles, are shutting down the country, and that the whole Coronavirus thing is fake.

Credit: Chad Goes Deep
Considering the staggering numbers of infected people in the States, that s**t just seems mental to us. Anyway, have a squiz and see what you reckon.

Credit: Chad Goes Deep
Final thought: It’s really difficult to comment on stuff like this without taking sides. Yeah, nah, we get it, each to their own and all that, but the problem is, that only really works when no one’s getting hurt. Bloody Covid is hurting people. Not wearing a mask is hurting people. And really, if you don’t give a s**t about yourself, that’s fine, but at least respect others. Wear a f**ken mask if you’re in public in an infected area. It’s the smart thing to do.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Women Vs Bugs
Video Link: Chad Goes Deep