Credit: AsiaWire/Mianyang TCM Hospital
Doctors film spider spinning web in sheila’s ear-canal
We’ve all heard that bullshit about spiders climbing inside your mouth while you sleep at night. Yeah, nah, we can’t remember the exact claim, but basically it says you eat a s**tload of spiders at night without knowing because they just climb into your gob and you, naturally, chow down on the little f**kers. Of course, though, it’s a load of old arse. They climb in your ear, and it doesn’t happen while you’re sleeping. It’s when you’re working on the vineyard. We’re not even kidding. Just ask this sheila from China’s Sichuan province.
A few days back, she went into the Mianyang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Sichuan province in south-western China and said, “Oi c**t, me f**ken ear hurts. Have a look will ya?”

Credit: AsiaWire/Mianyang TCM Hospital
Naturally, the doctor, ear, nose and throat specialist, Dr Liu Jun, had a squiz. When she found a ball of silk in there, she knew something had gone awry. She had a bit of a poke with some tools and a torch, and a little f**ken spider tried ducking out of sight.
While you might think we’re twisting your turtle with this story, the doctor’s got it all on camera. Yeah, nah, it’s the f**ken 21st century, and we’ve got all the whiz-bang s**t.

Credit: AsiaWire/Mianyang TCM Hospital
Anyway, getting back to the point, Jun just f**ken doused the little prick with chemicals and fished it out, cleaning the web away with some saline solution. She reckons, “It was fortunate that the spider was small and didn’t rupture her eardrum, otherwise she might have suffered hearing loss.”
She did say that this kind of s**t is pretty f**ken rare, but she couldn’t resist having a cheeky dig though. “It’s not common for small insects or animals to be found inside the ear…Personal hygiene is the key to preventing this. But should an insect enter your ear, do not try to remove it by yourself. Always seek medical attention.”

Credit: AsiaWire/Mianyang TCM Hospital
Yeah, we’ll remember that. Maybe we’ll try to find a doctor who doesn’t have a f**ken spit about our hygiene too. Bloody doctors expecting us to be all clean and s**t. The nerve.
Final thought: Yeah, nah, this story comes with a big ‘F**K THAT’ tag. We reckon we’d rather unknowingly eat the pricks at night than have ‘em spin webs inside our bloody ears. What about you? Let us know in the comments section.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Beluga Whale Vs Seagull
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