91 Year-Old Legend Fulfils His Dream of Crashing Through a Garage Door
It’s bloody nice to have a dream. It’s even nicer to fulfil the b*****d. It gives you a great feeling of satisfaction, of accomplishment, and of the knowledge that you can see a task through to completion.
If you want the vicarious satisfaction of seeing an old bloke complete a longstanding dream, watch on ya wankers…
Walter Thomas is my kind of old bloke. He’s the sort of guy that might appear to be a geriatric old fart before you get to know him, but once you shake his hand, share a beer with him and pay attention to his ‘live life to the extreme’ attitude, you’ll know that he’s actually cool as fuck.

Get ready, Grandpa! Credit: YouTube/AP
Picture this: you sit down with grandpa and he asks you about your hopes and dreams. Of course, being a wholesome fella, you tell him what you think he wants to hear. “Well, Pop, I’m looking forward to a promotion at work. That’ll get me a few extra dollars and then I can buy my beautiful girlfriend Shaz that ring she’s been eyeing off. I’m looking to the future, you know.”
Grandpa though, he doesn’t want to hear that sh**. He lights his darb, he looks you in the eye and says, “That’s soft as babyshite, Baz. Let me tell you about my dream. I wanna drive a f*****g car straight through a garage door. That’s a dream ya little pussy.”

F*** YES!!! Credit: YouTube/AP
While the whole thing might not have played out quite like that, Walter Thomas’s dream was to drive a car through a garage door. That is exceptionally cool in my book. What makes it even bloody cooler is the fact that someone facilitated it for him.
Fortunately for Walter, his grandson Andrew found an old Isuzu destined for the scrap-heap and his bro Brian found a garage due for demolition. And then the magic happened. Watch the video to see it all unfold, but if you’re anything like me, you’ll be feeling warm and fuzzy by the time it’s over.

Look at the destruction, Gramps! Credit: YouTube/AP
Good on you, Walter – and good on your rellies for making your dream come true. Top blokes, the lot of you.
H/T: Reddit.